Tipperary GAA 2021

Hell would freeze over before that would happen

Think sometime in the noughties there were a few meetings held about it but then Davins went up senior for a few years and the rivalry came back and I doubt it could happen for a long time again.

El Carricko as it was known when they played. Great occasions

Is the divide there geographical or other ??


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Those Carrick derbies could only throw in at like 12pm on a Sunday for Health and safety purposes similar to an Old Firm Derby in Glasgow.


Donā€™t think so. Swan are a much larger club while Davins rely on certain families Iā€™d say. They shared the same field until the last few years but the Swan have a new place now.

Davins did some great work getting kids from the direct provision centre involved recently


Swans traditionally the FG club and Davins would be FF.I remember hearing that when the Davins did win counties back in the day it was mainly down to the resources being pooled to the Davins.

The Whelans played with mullinahone in recent years at underage when the Davins didnā€™t have numbers. Think they have relations there but it would have made more sense go across town.

Fairly sure the Whelanā€™s father started out hurling with the Swan and had a massive falling out years ago

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Treacy Park would be Davins territory.

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sure if they are in government together, they may as well hurl together!!?

Did that Danny Oā€™Hanlon chap make a sub appearance v Limerick in one of the trilogy games in 07?

I think he came on in either game 2 or 3.

Came on few a minute in the Thurles gameā€¦ In time to see Shocks pit the levelling free over the bar.

He also walked all over Kilkenny in Nowlan Park in the league that year

So the Limerick lads on the forum have pinpointed the last Carrick player to play Senior Championship for Tipp? After he was dismissed as not having played Championship? Embarrassing for the Tipp boys here, is there no end to Limerickā€™s dominance??

Yeah weā€™ve had a few lads do that over the years, and kind of disappear then.

Oā€™Hanlon was only 19/20 that year. Sheedy had him around the panel in 08, think he was cut then or during the 09 season. He was on the 2013 intermediate team that won the All Ireland (a team with 5 players who either had or would win senior all Irelands )


Lee Mackey from Davins got a few challenge appearances/maybe league games as well?

Doubt he got league but was involved in Wateford crystal. He was a right doughty player. I was disappointed he didnā€™t get more opportunity.

Heard a great story about O Hanlon. He was a young lad and had no way to make training. Paul Kelly was detailed to pick him up in Carrick as Kelly was passing through. Danny nominated that he be picked up outside chipper in the town. He used to regularly get an order in the chopper and be eating it as he was waiting for Kelly. Sometimes Kelly arrived as he was still waiting on his order. Got the nickname Snackbox as a result.