Tipperary GAA 2021

Iā€™d use Barry Nash as an example of a guy who was played into his role.

A forward of fine ability who was asked to play HB and excelled when chance came.
Look at him now at CB.

Lads need to play their way in with games. If theyā€™re on a panel itā€™s because they are excellent Hurlerā€™s

Lads canā€™t be excellent team hurlers or make step up in training games.

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I respect the question ā€“ and thank you for the kind compliment ā€“ but this poser is one I prefer not to discuss in public. I know quite a bit about various decisions that were taken in Kilkenny during the last decade and my views on some of them would be the scorching side of pungent. While I do not think my opinion is in any way important per se ā€“ far from it ā€“ I am opinionated and forthright by nature. So I prefer to leave the topic alone. The people involved are volunteers, generally decent people and have in most cases done the Kilkenny GAA state quite a lot of service. But there were bad decisions taken ā€“ anticipatably bad decisions, which is the key point ā€“ and those decisions are flocking home to roost.

But, yes, ā€˜stalenessā€™ is a word my friends and myself have been using about Kilkenny since 2017. No doubt we will be using that word tonight, because I meet a couple of them most Thursday nights and hurling is nearly always the discussionā€™s meat.

Anyway, we had a great run at it. The Seniors are still highly competitive with everyone except Limerick, which is not shameful, because Limerick are terrific. But it is difficult to plot a scenario where Kilkenny will significantly improve over the next two or three years ā€“ especially under the current management.


Youā€™re 100% right here Harry. The likes of Hego, Will ODonoghue even Dan Morrissey were given time on the pitch to develop. All were considered not good enough for IC hurling. Now weā€™d struggle if any of them were missing. The right coaching team and patience are essential


Itā€™s quidditch you should be playing.:smiley:

And yet I put it to you that had Limerick played Kilkenny last Sunday, there is no way it would have been a sixteen point mauling. Granted Kilkenny may not have won the game but I would wager a buffalo nickle that the game would have been far from over going into the last 10 minutes


There are loads of very good hurlers in Tipperary who could prosper with proper coaching and S&C. The sponsors pick has even improved with 3 years on the panel despite the fact he doesnā€™t hit a ball with his club.

Youā€™d like a few left field call ups from a few of unfashionable clubs.

Thatā€™s mentality Mike.Limerick superior no doubt but donā€™t drop the knickers like the Langers did for fuck sake.

I actually think that point is probably true, Mike. Kilkenny would have kept matters more respectable and maybe lost by seven or so. Not that such matters, even as speculationā€¦

The frustrating aspect is that Kilkenny are not hurling at optimum level. I do not think optimum level would be sufficient to beat Limerick ā€“ but optimum is still optimum, the name of the game.

Right. A few pints in a nice spotā€¦ Mind yourself.


:dart: Spot on

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That comment is lost on meā€¦ Harry Potter, isnā€™t it?

Perhaps shamefully, I have never read the HP booksā€¦

Cahill has put in a brilliant effort in the club since he came back and is up in the field supporting his kids most evenings heā€™s not otherwise engaged. Any ill will is over with really.

Willie Maher did great work with our minors and u21s when we won a load of souths 10 years ago or so but lives in Bennettsbridge and isnā€™t that connected to the club anymore just really because of the distance but thereā€™s no ill will there either. Within the club they both would have managed different teams and Iā€™d say most lads who have been managed by both would have rated Willie Maher higher at the time but Cahill has obviously only gotten better since.

Both have done emergency type stints with our seniors in the past but donā€™t think either have done a full year at the helm.


Outside of the above? Are these lads going in and improve that Tipp team to be contenders.

For me Cahill made the right decision. Tipp could have 2 or 3 tough years. He will be well got in Waterford now for 2.

If Tipp dont compete next year itā€™ll be a dark day for the manager.

Iā€™m surprised Gleeson isnā€™t getting more of a mention in all this considering the job he is doing in Antrim. Maybe the Tipp CB are worried about their pensions.

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Good summary Har.

Connolly - to me, this is the guy Iā€™d hope to be building our backs around over the next decade. His brother might make a breakthrough down the line.

Brian Mc - is the pace there? I wasnā€™t 100% sure. The hurling is definitely there.

Morgan - canā€™t understand why he hasnā€™t been more in the mix.

Cahill - think he has opted out the last year or two. Not entirely sure if itā€™s for career and/or religious reasons. Hopefully he can be coaxed back. Yes, heā€™s light but heā€™s a smashing hurler and can run at teams.

Seymour - not so sure about mobility but worth a try.

Bowe - Iā€™d be bringing him into the hurling panel next year. Him and Ormond were two of our best U20s in both 2019 + 20. Iā€™d give both some league time.

Oā€™Mara - genuinely think he would have started this year if he didnā€™t get injured.

Browne - weā€™ve rehabilitated lads with off-field issues in the past (Leahy, Barrett, etc.). I wouldnā€™t write his intercounty obituary yet.

Others - Cadell has it in the hands but pace could be a bit of an issue. No disrespect to the chap but I couldnā€™t see Robert Byrne being a championship hurler at any stage of his career. Dillon Quirke hasnā€™t set the world on fire yet, but Iā€™d try him a bit more.

Nobody from this yearā€™s 20s would be great prospects. Max Hackett might be too light. Sean Hayes hasnā€™t kicked on the way I hoped.


Religious reasons?

Had a chat in a WhatsApp group the other day. The general consensus was that he could never be Tipp manager regardless of what he did with other county for precisely the reasons you kind of indicated there.

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His family are Jehovahā€™s Witnesses. There were small issues with him playing on religious days before @Perez2017


Got the same vibe when I suggested the same on a WhatsApp with a few Tipp lads. Even the prospect of Davy was greeted with more warmth, which stunned me, although I donā€™t think anyone thinks he will seriously end up thereā€¦ yetā€¦

I would boycott Tipperary GAA in all its forms if they ever hired Davy


Ah right.