Tipperary GAA 2021

Willie Maher lost vision more or less in one eye

A Willie Maher/Eoin Kelly combo is probably the most likely scenario.

Nicky has told his friends many times that he would love another crack at it when he retires from the bank in 2023 so whether or not he’d bring that forward by a year is another thing.

Off pitch shenanigans aside, surely Darren Gleeson must be entering the picture now…?

We’ve had enough of Portroe.

I think he’s already committed to Antrim anyway.

Nicky would be absolutely box office. He’d have 25k at the first round of the league.


No. I can’t ever see it happening tbh.

He did a stint with Waterford on Derek’s first management team. Jumped ship when the thing appeared to be a complete clusterfuck.

Was Egan just not seriously in the running for the Tipp job at all, or was he rejected or what?

I heard from a relation of Nickey’s that he was asked and turned it down

I heard (again from a relation of Nickey English) that Coolmore gave Tipp a list of candidates they would accept and Darren didn’t make the cut

I heard a rumour the other day that Nicky is retired from the bank and is building a house back in Cullen. Probably BS

Coming back to the Abbey to sort it out.

The abbey is just fine as it is. They were doing rounders for pe when I passed by this week

I believe they are in laws

I heard from a relation of Nicky that he is going to retire to county Waterford

He still owns the place in Cullen AFAIK.

Nicky’s missus is from Waterford, isn’t she?

Correct. They’ll probably bring in a few of the Ahane Morans selectors.

Cork Rd.

One of them is with Clare at the moment, be nice for another one of them to get some intercounty experience under his belt.

By all accounts Egan spoke with the Tipp County Board last week. Tipp County Board haven’t a notion what to do as with no sponsor they can’t guarantee any prospective manager anything (funding/team support wise…)

Whole thing is a sorry mess.