Tipperary GAA 2021

Itā€™s a pity that some counties are now dependent on big money sponsors to try and buy success.
They should have focused on developing a top class academy system like Limerick.


Jesus that one will be like a dagger to some fellas on here.

Thatā€™s a fantastic point.

I wonder why no other county has followed the Limerick model?


Nickyā€™s sister is married out in Ballygunner his nephew hurls for the Gunners

A South Tipp manager

Give it to Maher to fuck and let him bring his own backroom team inā€¦

Brendan can cut his teeth with the U20ā€™s with a view to stepping up again in three years.

Iā€™m not at all against Cummins in a Senior management position but he hasnā€™t the apprenticeship served like Willie has.

Cummins probably seen as more sponsor friendly though which I fear is the Co Boards main :white_check_mark: in choosing the new Manager.


Agree with you fully.

If Maher doesnā€™t get it now, he will never get it

Kerry couldnā€™t get rid of Cummins quick enough. Heā€™d be a disaster at the top job. Hopefully Maher gets it now. Although the county board could do anything.

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Willie Maher is an Eamon OShea/Declan Ryan type of appointment.Add Gleeson to that.

Ye boys have missed out on the real McCoy.And I donā€™t have to say who that was.

And as ye lads would say down in Tippā€¦ā€œDats Riteā€

Cummins profile might see him over the line here, didnā€™t even realise he was in the running. Whoever gets it now is on a hiding to nothing imo and is only keeping the seat warm for the fella taking it on in a year or twoā€™s time.

Only Nicky can save us.

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ā€œLads cā€™mere letā€™s do wan of these wan an wan drillsā€


Hilarious as it sounds in your head, if heā€™s manager he will do fuck all coaching bar a bit with keepers at most.

Managers are front of house guys now. Delegate and keep a watchful eye on the organisation. Motivate the players & keep supporters onside.

I canā€™t fathom how Wexford Gaa are taking a gamble on Egan at this stage in their development.

How many selectors come managers go on to win L McCarthy? John Allen & Mick Church obvious ones, after that?

Lads whoā€™ve struggled, Bonnar, Eamon Oā€™Shea, TJ Ryan, all the lads who followed Big Jim McGuinness etc.

Wish Egan well but itā€™s a huge ask there for him imo.


All reports from Kerry regarding Cummins are desperate as @Declan_Moffat says. He actually worsened Oā€™Connorā€™s management team when he was introduced.

If he is to take over and Oā€™Connor is to join him the CB need to get a Tommy Dunne/Ken Dunne/ Declan Fanning (quality coach) to join them to make sure the u20 ship doesnā€™t sink.

Itā€™s Willie mahers time for the top job, he clearly had aspirations for it so itā€™s time to step up.

Really, I didnā€™t know that

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Lads leave Cummins on The Sunday Game for fuckā€™s sake.

Best analyst and co-commentator on it.

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This is the thing.

I think heā€™s been a really good addition to TSG team.

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Are Teneo definitely gone?

Hopefully Cummins gets it