To All of the Forum

You missed my point. Threads that i did enjoy reading would turn into thier own little mini battles


That’s fair enough.

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No fear of you ever being kicked out

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@fulvio ran out of windmills to tilt at, and it became tiresome.

I hope with some time off he can think of some new hot takes to entertain us with his endless arguments

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premier league darts GIF by BBC America

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Way too often. I ended up having to mute a lot of decent threads because of those eejits.


Lads who spent all their waking hours posting here complaining about being silenced is an apt finale.


A good part of the reason my interest has waned a lot in the place. I also think the profile of posters has shifted slightly recently too.

Ok it’s time to bring fulvio and Labane back immediately.


Out of curiosity does fulvio post on any other forums ?

Do lads actually think these eejits are gone forever off here?
They’ll be back because they can’t help themselves - the e-life of deliberate contrariness is their raison d’etre.


Just to clarify a couple of things.

  1. I’m not really going to address the first post. It’s obvious to anyone that there is a large degree of fantasy involved. It’s not enough to throw a tantrum on here. Some people get furious if their tantrum is ignored.

  2. I don’t encourage, allow or tolerate racism. I’d hope that’s clear. There was a post flagged during the week (which I hadn’t read) and which was deleted because it was flagged. That member has been suspended. The idea that there would be some sort of protection for racism on here is nonsense.

  3. This place is frankly becoming a pain to moderate. The tone has shifted from good natured disruptiveness to anger. And then those who shout loudest and longest suffocate the place for everyone. So it’s a little bemusing when they become those complaining loudest about the moderation.

I’m all ears for constructive suggestions on improvements. Two things I would consider are

A Chat functionality which would be less moderated and where people would be invited to take their disputes but which wouldn’t disrupt the main threads. I’m not talking about making the forum more strict really - just providing a(n echo) chamber for the back and forth debates and other debates that add little to the main board.

B Semi autonomous self policed categories where those same arguments can be held but which can be muted or ignored or just occasionally dipped into by others.


To be honest it’s a miracle you still keep the place open. You’d feel there’s an endgame here at some point, and god knows what that will be. You’d be entitled to close up shop and move on.

Anyway, it’s appreciated. It’s been a bit of crack for the best part of a decade or more at this stage.

All empires fall.


Last week would have been the 14 year anniversary from when the first big migration from AFR to here took place.


ChairmanDan suspended until April 1st for racism.

Deserved ban, shame on him.


Ah that’s great stuff. A long time coming.

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Always good to see racism of any sort cracked down on, it’s been ignored or tolerated, even encouraged by some posters for far too long,
What was the gist of what was said, who were the targets?
Strong message anyway, will make the usual suspects think twice hopefully :+1:

An utterly needless quip about Yemen from what I recall. For a poster who likes to dine out on his pompousness it was a bizarre remark

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He’ll have to try GAABoard yet again. The way is clear for him as I was banned off it last week because I said Putin needed to be killed and Russia needed to be broken up. Mod “Fionntamhnach”, who started out as an arch wind up named “Bummer” back on the original GAA Discussion Board over 20 years ago, took exception to this, though the views that got me banned there last week have now become accepted wisdom.

I suppose there’s always or Reddit or whatever but the sheer size of those forums means a professional WUM of a pretend Ulster/Italian/Russian background would sink without trace.

I recall a particularly difficult young chap who moved across making a big song and dance about the name of the Munster Rugby thread and issuing all sorts of ultimatums.