To All of the Forum

Our Yemen based posters were deeply offended.

Pompousness. Yes.

What about the word knacker?

Nail on head. Jesus he will have to come back to respond to that.

What term was used? He hardly said the N word?

Using knacker or any derogatory term for travellers used to be a great way to get a load of likes, happily that’s in the past, now it’s just implied

@ChairmanDan is one of the finest posters on this forum and one of the least racist.

He has a very strong moral backbone, with the exception of a blind spot when it comes to the failings of the English cricket establishment.

He’d be a massive loss.


OK, here’s my proposal.

Everybody rebrands and we start again - year zero type shit and any cunt who doesn’t like it can have a bit of lead behind the ear for their pains.

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He uses the term “towel heads” a lot

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The past is the ultimate prison.


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The search function shows that he’s certainly not alone in that, some people who would celebrate his suspension being the worst offenders.
But great that we’re cracking down on casual racism, :+1:


Hardly an excuse that others have used the term as well

Absolutely not an excuse, but it shows hypocrisy, false outrage

*faux outrage.

Agreed, mind you.

Read the threads concerning Russia on, particularly the Current Affairs forum, which is a genuine cesspit of racism and trolling, and you’ll see they have been full of racists and pro-Russian propagandist trolls. For years.

Fluvio has become an out and out troll as his dinosaur like worldview has collapsed around him.

That is what you are now reduced to defending as “free speech” due to your worldview collapsing around you in a similar manner to Fluvios.

It is arch right wing Russian influenced worldviews like yours and Fluvios which have the world in the chaotic state it is now in.

You have no more “free speech” to give because any “speech” you do give is now so completely discredited that it can only be classed as trolling.

Not really. Why cant i post on the racism thread? Ive asked a few times…

I speak English :grinning:

Strikes me that some people are only offended by racism when it’s used by an internet foe, no problem using it themselves or ignoring it hundreds of other times.

But it’s all positive in my eyes, there’s no place for casual racism, there never was really

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a search for “Towel head” is a n interesting read alright.

90% of the results I saw were for posts by Geoff and Thomas Brady when i did it albeit I didn’t spend too long going through the posts.

“Towel head” is obviously an example of casual racism and people shouldn’t use it but it’s low on the spectrum and far, far less serious than insidious “anti-woke” worldviews whose holders are canny enough to steer away from language which could get you banned from a forum but contain a whole spectrum of deep seated bigotry and hatred that is exponentially more damaging to society.

Focussing on the use of terms like “towel head” as the problem misses the much bigger problem.