Toilet Etiquette

I always thank my Y chromosome when going to the Jack’s on a night out. The queue for the ladies is always out the door. 20 mins waiting for herself.

Is she backed up? — get more fibre into her kid.


The images I had to process during the scramble for the toilets before extra-time at the play-off at the Stade de France in 2009 will never leave me

8,000 Irish bladders were fit to burst

Plastic bottles, sinks, walls, steps, corridors, down the side of the sofas that were on the concourse, anything and everything was used

It was like the Somme except there were rivers of piss rather than rivers of blood

And some vomit

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The best fans in the world.

I remember GAA stadiums in the glory days you’d always be stepping over streams of piss under the stands. People can still relive the experience in Ennis, if you were feeling nostalgic


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Iv been bunged up for 2 days. Repeated doses of Andrews, coffee, orange juice, oranges failed to repair the system after covid and 3 weeks of eating and drinking. I had one last garry off it there a half an hour ago with 4 heaped teaspoons of Andrews. It worked. I feel like a need an ambulance a drip and 12 hours sleep


Did you need to flush mid-dump?

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How many kurics was it?


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randy marsh sitting GIF by South Park

There was little straining required to complete the task. Pissing through the eye of a needle

I’ve had similar issues myself since the Christmas. Would have gladly had the colostomy bag refitted up to today. A good dose of Andrew’s . A similar course of orange juice mixed with milk over the last few mornings finally paid off today.

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I feel like you missed the TFK psyllium husk years.


Feeling a bit tired today so decided to put one of those Beroca tablets in the water to help with the tiredness, I 'd wish they would warn you about the illuminous piss afterwards. You swear you were radio active after.

@Copper_pipe :see_no_evil:


I’d say the captains insides must be radioactive at this stage

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