Tom Humphries thread

Obviously not. I think Ireland is still a great place to live full of mainly great people though

We, and i include everyone, allow this to happen.

A lack of action and care. Talk is cheap.

Thats all the irish do. Talk and complain.

If this happened i Oz or France ir elsewgere there would be murder.

We are weak as fuck

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For more serious crimes that carry large sentences it certainly isā€¦ I agree completely about fuckers with 80/90 convictions but they are all petty crimes and you could give those fucks 6 months every year for stealing a handbag, theyā€™d be straight back at it when outā€¦ Itā€™s a waste of money putting those fuckers up in prisonā€¦ They should be made do hard labour on a remote island for a year.

Wow, the edgyometer has been cranked up a notch, this is dreadful gallery playing for a supposed top top poster,

Weā€™re worse than them in some ways and weā€™re better than them in some ways

they Oirish are legends in their own heads, great craic in the pub and all that shite, but weak cunts in every facet in life, @caoimhaoin is bang on the money, a nation full of morally bankrupt people

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Tā€™would never happen in France !!!


Weā€™re worse than them in most things that matter with rape, paedophillia, murder and even white collar crime.

I mean why the fuck should any of us play by the rules here

What is edgy about wanting a child abuser paedophile to die slowly? I would consider it a fairly natural wish.

How so?

Does this apply to all people who attempt or carry out suicide?

Did it not happen to their president! And he ended up marrying the perp. That country is full of deviants.

On some level yes.

Some are more sad than others that may be broken hearts or whatever.

But ultimately yes.

Irelandā€™s murder rate is much lower than Australiaā€™s and Franceā€™s. And as someone else pointed out Franceā€™s prime minister is married to his former teacher

Aborigines are 2.5% of the Australian population yet make up over 30% of the prison populationā€¦ Prison is used a means of removing communities who fuck with capitalism off the streetsā€¦ Itā€™s rarely for middle/upper class people.

I thought it had been generally agreed that using the phrase ā€œcop outā€ in relation to suicide or mental health was unhelpful?

I made a couple of posts I no longer agree with around the time of Gary Speedā€™s death if anybody wants to quote them, by the way.

Itā€™s a shockingly unchristian attitude, and one that internet hardmen would be expected to spout,
More than a bit weird if itā€™s genuine but I expect youā€™re a real softie in real life


Unhelpful to who?

Its the reality.

The vast majority of shite spouted about mental health in recent years seems to be highly questionable according to mental health experts i have come across.

Maybe the laguage is harsh. But bottom line is its an inability to deal with life and the shit it throws at you that millions every year deal with

Okay guys, I understand this is an emotive topic but please try to be kind to each other.


Fuck off