Tom Humphries thread

Same thing happens with travellers here, african americans in the states and so on. Basically communities with high levels of social deprivation who have historically been discrimiated against. How do you change this situation? I dont know. The allure of easy money through drugs and criminality are a big draw to some in these communities and its hard to blame them but it has led to high incarceration rates. All the welfare and social programs in the world dont eem to be making much of a difference.

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Language such as “cop out” is unhelpful in general, mate, particularly to people with mental health problems, and any “mental health expert” who thinks otherwise is certainly no expert.

The Soviet Union was built on incarceration .

its the way the world is gone, full of weak cunts who can’t cope or deal with any sort of problem either emotionally or physically, social media has played a part of course, but is frightening, we have all sorts of threats to deal with in Europe, muslim savages slaughtering us on the streets, the russian bear is getting strong again, a time when we need strong men, who can stand up for themselves, instead we have snowflakes everywhere, lefty headbangers full of shite

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RTE news came back for an ad break there and Dobbo clarified that they inadvertently used still footage from Kilmacud Crokes in the earlier report and that the club had absolutely nothing to do with the case.

Decrimilizing of some crimes seems to help in places.

But the issue really is trying to solve things after they happen.

Any real changes to be made need to happen with a view to 20-30 years down the road and make changes with the newest generations.

This is absolutely the only way to effect real change.

the next two generations of young people are completely fucked, fucked in the head, its going to take a serious world war to get things back to normal


Have the french not been harbouring roman Polanski for the last 40 years no?


In fairness now Kev, until you’ve walked a mile in the shoes it’s very easy to sermonise on this. I hope it never touches your own life mate, I’m sure you might be a little softer in your views if it did.


A simple solution would be to implement obligatory contraception across the board and ensure that people only have kids when they are ready and able. Comes across as a very right wing solution and will lead to a myriad of claims of human rights abuses by the screaming marys on here but if you look coldly at stats that would solve a lots of problems. Statistically speaking young single mothers having kids generally leads to very poor outcomes.There are lots of studies out there that point out the rate of crime in communities is comparable to the rates of use of contraception.

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Their prime minister married a paedo

I saw it many times. Many many times.

Its only strengthened my views.

I’m not sure why it should change my mind cos someone close does it. We should not be blinded by what happens close just cos its harder to deal with.

Ok the stats are believable.

The solution is typical Western world though. Using a hammer to bale a cake. Just ban things rather than find intelligent solutions. Ysing simple answers to complex situations

Education is a much better solution. And not the leaflet dropling box ticking education governments partake in now.

Community based education

What exactly do you mean by community based education?


I like Ireland


We will never get back what the last few generations termed normal.
Normal now and into the near and Long term future is useless soft good for nothing cunts with no initiative who wouldn’t work to warm themselves. These pathetic cunts have no passion for life and expell all their energy on formats such as twitter etc
It’s their world now and they are probably the cunts who will finish off humanity. In fact twitter and snapchat will probably be the last man standing here. Cunts will die in dark rooms fighting campaigns that don’t exist. Some weird sadistic a d dangerous fucker like yerman @Sidney will probably be the last man standing. Posting vile shit all day on some format until his enemies die or kill themselves. And then it’s just @Sidney and twitter. And maybe that horrible little useless snowflake badtard @glasagusban sitting there complaining that he can’t get good coffee.


The irony of that being a reply to @Tassotti is too much :rofl:
And it’s probably even heartfelt :grinning:

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I should never have banned you, mate.


will this fella be in mountjoy?
i presume there is no danger of this fella been raped in prison is there @glasagusban?
maybe a razor thru the anus?

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