Tom Humphries thread

Where teachers, sports clubs, community police etc all work together.

Agreed. I posted about this earlier on too. It was a profile of the criminal that read like a eulogy in parts because he was well known and well regarded in his field and these achievements were mentioned. But, like I said, it read to me like Waterson was looking to settle some scores in a petty manner via mentioning Humphries’ strong GAA support along with trying to distance other Irish Times journalists and the paper generally from Humphries (loner, former editor was happy for him to resign years ago, divisive, didn’t have sporting views that were consistent with majority of readership etc etc). See this paragraph for example:

“At that stage he had built up a loyal following with British papers courting him to write for them. But they failed to understand that the offer of more money and a greater audience could not compete with his deep connection to the GAA, which was a recurring theme in his work.”

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If you do a bit of digging you will see a lot of that goes on already and is official policy. The most deprived areas in the country are choc a bloc with youth centres, community development projects, women’s projects, traveller projects, youth reach centres, garda diversion projects, drug prevention projects and on and on. Now there is the argument that these services were worst hit by austerity but it’s also valid to question the impact they were having on the ground anyway. The DEIS school system is something I wholly endorse but it will be another while before we can judge the impact. We have had decades of these social programs but have more homeless more addicts now then ever before.

Nah, he’ll more than likely be put in arbour hill with his ilk

Gas seeing the gahliban trying to write Humphreys out of their history

great to see Clare ran him out

A word from a good GGA man can do wonders.


Portlaoise is where he will put his head down for the next couple of years.

We have excommunicated both Humphrey and cusack from our organization.
It will be up to the cark lads to enforce it on cusack. But we have no control over them weird cunts. Lets wait and see what they do.

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There’s no room for religion or any other type of shite like that when dealing with these sub-human pieces of shit, which I have done in a previous role. And it’s nothing to do with what you term a ‘hard man’ image. I genuinely think he deserves to die. He does not deserve to live. You probably believe he can be “rehabed” :roll_eyes:

That could be read a few different ways

It’s worth repeating, the Irish Times journalists who Just a few weeks back thought the worst thing that ever happened on planet Earth was G HOok trying to get young women to mind themselves have not a word to say on Tom Humphrey at a time every other journalist/ media personality/ commentator is all over it.
Even amongst the snowflakes they must have lost all snowflake credibility.

Fintan O’Toole
Hugh linehan
Kitty Holland
Una mullaly


That’s a huge amount of bluster, calm down mate, calm down.
‘Deserves to die’ :rofl:

I presume they’d have higher standards than this fat cunt

16000 text messages. 16 fucking thousand

Mickey Harte is still a prominent member of the organisation pal, no difference between what he and Donal Og did.


Maybe he means community based justice? Where the family or aggrieved party sit down with the guilty party and share the impact with them and are part of the solution / sentencing … It’s shown to have far greater results in actually helping a crim see the error of their actions rather than just locking them away.

Ending their own pain instead of taking responsibility for their actions, not a sacrifice

Are you going to try and take my comment out of context?