Tom Humphries thread

Any links to FotF Ewan MacKenna’s contributions on RTE Radio, Newstalk or Today FM earlier?

That’s called restorative justice. It’s policy up north and was trialled out in tallaght a few years back. It’s used a lot in youth justice circles. It was started out in Australia.

Ewan is on from about 32/33 minutes here

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Do you think it could possibly work in a case like this though?



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Do you worry about Fintan?

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S[quote=“Bandage, post:1107, topic:13100”]
“At that stage he had built up a loyal following with British papers courting him to write for them. But they failed to understand that the offer of more money and a greater audience could not compete with his deep connection to the GAA, which was a recurring theme in his work.”

He might just have a deeply dark sense of humor,this waterson chap.

That’s a belter of a post @mickee321


Be a different viewpoint from you if Tom was texting your daughter.

@HBV knocks it our of the park again

HBV clearing house tonight .

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Ewan lashing into the GGA

Sean FitzPatrick was the highest profile banker working on the island of Ireland.

he done a lot of good for the country, he was a visionary

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Until September 2008 I would think 80 % of the population wouldn’t have had a clue who he was . He became notorious then .

He was the only one actually taken to trial as he was a rugby man. If he was a GGA head he’d have never seen court.

The gga’s behavior here is vile

He was a massive supporter of Wicklow GAA .

20 quid says arbour hill

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