Tom Humphries thread

He was the best known banker in the country though.

Teachers say DEIS is a disaster. Now thats a small poll i have for what its worth.

Problem with everything you mention up there is they are independant. People who are “qualified” go into the areas but are back out again at 5pm. Also there is little or no connection between all the groups. They need to work together and create things like databases.

I mean a youth group is a waste of time unless they can reach out to other organisations like for instance the local Gaa or Soccer club and say look “we have 3 young lads here and we think they would benefit from going to ye” and then ye work in tandem.

I suppose its really about connecting community leaders

He was a rugby man first and foremost, then soccer.

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the parish pump mentality is widespread in Ireland, everyone is only concerned about their own patch/interest and can’t see the big picture, that is why oireland is so backward


In one word its “Fear”

Fear of what?

Sorry Kev, I know a lot of teachers who work in DEIS schools, (and I mean lots) and there’s not a one of them who would say publicly or privately that DEIS is a disaster.
I like you here but I’m calling bullshit on that.


You’re on. He’ll be in Portlaoise in the morning.

The gas thing is that the Camogie Association is a completely separate organization to the Gaa, as is the LGFA. Why are fellas getting upset about the Gaa I don’t know.

It happened in oirelands most famous gga club and oirelands most famous gga player stood by him

Ewan has a piece in the Indo


Ah. I didn’t read into too much when I saw the main contributors.

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Nobody gives two fucks about Gaelic football.

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Not completely separate.

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As good as. If you were a coach for all three. You’d technically need separate vetting for all three.

It comes across as the "solution of a screaming Mary simpleton, mate.

Get psychiatric help. From what I read you’d receive it for free via the state prison service.

That seems like the safest place for you as you’re clearly ill-equipped to deal with a non-Victorian style society.

Teachers you know think much smaller class sizes, way more special needs assistants and much more funding for extra curricular activities are a disaster ! :rollseyes:

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That’s an excellent article from Ewan.


Credit where it’s due, well done Ewan.

Camogie is ostensibly coming under the GAA/Croke Park umbrella and getting closer, LGFA not at all, but again moves being made that way.