Tom Humphries thread

So you think the child of a 15/16 year single old mothers have the same likelihood of having positive outcomes in their life as those from parents who have stable lives and careers? Any study ever done in the last 50 odd years contradicts that opinion.

Yeah Iā€™d say in a few years itā€™ll all the one. The Camogie club where my lads play seems to be well run and well financed with good player numbers.
Itā€™d be a pity if the Gaa county board got at it and ruined it.

Please explain this.

He may well be processed in Portlandā€™s but heā€™ll serve sentence in arbour hill

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Youā€™re proposing that only certain people be allowed have kids, mate.

That does smack very much of eugenics and certain ideas that I would have hoped died out with the Nazis.

And who appointed you the judge of who should or should not have kids, eh?

So it looks like the GGA were funnelling money to Tom, via Donal Og, throughout his suspension from the IT. And then one of the most famous stick hurlers in the country was pleading with the judge to give Tom a lighter sentence and using his volunteer work at a hurling club to justify this.

You couldnā€™t make this up.


Tell you what. Whichever one of us is wrong, gives another 20 to @Locke for his fundraising. You on?


Itā€™s really good.

I can only go on what i am told. Iā€™m not in there.

What have they said about them? Specifically?

Specifically i can tell you travellers are a major issue in some schools

This is an excellent passage:

There in the acknowledgments Walsh wrote: ā€œAt the Olympics in Atlanta, we [he and Paul Kimmage] cut our teeth on the Michelle Smith story and were inspired by the work of our colleague Tom Humphries who is, by some distance, the most talented sportswriter Iā€™ve ever read. A fine man, too.ā€ Maybe there ought to have been an eighth deadly sin in the mind of the author.

Those last four words were honed and pointed, penned by a man that is famed for understanding the power of them and for using them as if food in a famine.

Language may be wrong.

Not making any real difference due to community and environmental issues could be a more accurate description.

Its still a shit cirriculum and they still give mounds of home work.

Its just a throw money at the problem thinking its a numbers game is so short sighted. We will hear about some of the good news stories, but they always existed in these areas.


Christ, he has just filleted those two cunts beautifully.

Walsh is done now & I will applaud every right minded journalist who goes after him with gusto.

Cusack is also rightly fucked too. What a hypocrite the slimey cunt is being shown up as now. Personally, I would have been sucked in by his previous crusades against Frank & the Cork Co Board. But, Ewan nails it in that piece by rightfully calling his attackā€™s on Frank out and showing the bollocks up for the hypocrisy of them.

Well done McKenna. :clap::clap::clap::clap:

Nice to see the TFK trademark use of ā€œ seething ā€œ in the piece too. :ok_hand:

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Frank Murphy was on the ball with Cusack and had ran him from anything to do with cork gaa a long time ago


So what do you want to do? Round them up and stick them in a gas chamber?

Big Frank knew


He is finished with GAA now. He is poison.

The self importance he oozed and to do what he did in this case.

In fact, Iā€™d advise his friends to keep an eye on him. His ego wonā€™t take this hit.

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The man is a GAA legend, quite simply, a man of his talent and vision is irreplaceable

I think Ewan should be granted admin status on tfk

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The place should be named after him.
He is a great man.