Tom Humphries thread


Itā€™s a snide and bigoted comment. He is not British as you well know.


ok, but that seems to be not a DEIS thing but rather an area problem. And surely having the DEIS can only help things or at least not make it worse. I dont see how it would be a disaster.

Whats the school that is doing their own thing that works?

One yes.
A few maybe a cooincidence.
Experienced heads - probably being over played.

Why do the others love it? Because of numbers? But are results changing? Then it becomes a dangerous numbers game where wxam results trump true development.

And then we are into a whole different argument

Teachers have permission to let kids out at any time for play outside. If they are tense or sleepy or not settling, outside and play a game, run around or whatever.

You have decided now its an area problem. But i was only offereing a possible influence.

Thats called confirmation bias and ye took it so easilyā€‹:see_no_evil::joy:

Point being made by some teachers is, the system has to change first.

He is. He was born in tyrone


They love the nature of the work - it really is suited to certain teachers when you are talking about schools in the lowest of socio-economic areasā€¦ You could argue results in these areas are not academic but show up in channeling kids into sports or other activities and having positive relationships with teachers where one maybe missing at homeā€¦ I revisited my old school in Moyross a few years back and it has deteriorated in lotā€™s of ways as those that could got out of Moyross over the years, leaving those really worse off behind ā€¦ anyway, the relationship of pupils who had left the school over the previous 3/4/5 years with ex teachers was evidentā€¦ (I was there at a weekend community event) and girls of 15 still had close relationships with their primary school teachers and sought them out for life adviseā€¦ Likewise, the principal was a very well got guy in the community and had kids using hurleys in Moyross for hurling purposes and not beating the shit out of someoneā€¦ they are real results.


You can be born in Tyrone and have an Irish passport, mate.

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Yes. I would agree they are real results.

But you will always hear the good stories. And there is always a bit of suvivorship bias. And also it can be down to very committed individuals. But i suppose everything is really.

If every school is getting DEIS money though what is the difference to before? That is simply putting money into education. A good thing in itself. But not proof a system works.

Handy to ignore your fellow countrymans spurious arguments and deflection and continued denials and lies to get hung up on that.

The chip remains it seems. Larger than ever


Still does not help him have much of a clue what Cork is like. Or to have any knowledge of Conh for instance

Why were the charges against Humphries in relation to the second girl not brought forward to trial?

RTE implied last night that it was because the charges in relation to the first girl were brought to trial.

This cannot be right, surely?

Mickey Harte is a big believer in redemption. I donā€™t agree with his actions there but I donā€™t think you can throw mud at him given what he has suffered himself.

Absolute bollocks.


The impression I got was that she no longer wished to pursue it.


Itā€™s bollox really. Duignan, ewan et al are all proving adept at kicking a beaten docket, like the fight in father ted.
They were less vociferous before.
Ewan seems to be using this dreadful case to settle personal scores, and, if so, should be ashamed of himself.
Itā€™s very easy to run with the hounds.


He is a big believer in people turning their lives around.

What about the last part of your postā€¦ can you flesh that out a little?