Tom Humphries thread


Equal parts petty and ignorant. And badly misjudged given the serious topic.

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You stupid cunt. :rollseyes:

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There are different cases here. One was a prolonged grooming and sexual abuse of a minor through a position of power. The other was a rape of a defenceless woman under the influence of alcohol.

Both reprehensible acts but one was a prolonged, calculated act with plenty of time to reflect upon actions.

I agree.

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Would younever fuck off. It takes nothing away from my points. Absolutely nothing

Absolutely laughable to support this gobshite and his evasion.

Its a different country. If you like that or not, its an undisputable fact.

This gobshite pretends to be italian. Fuck off

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So less apologetic for the violent rape is it?

You are poison.

Would it matter if the rapist was from cork?

Yes, it’s this article.

The text of it is contained here if the link is behind a paywall for you.

But in it Humphries doesn’t argue that screening of GAA volunteers is wrong, as Ewan McKenna says, he argues the opposite.

Which is the right message - it’s just rather unfortunate, to say the least, that the messenger was about to start sexually abusing a child.

Interesting that at least two future posters on this forum were ridiculing the whole concept of Garda vetting on the An Fear Rua link.

Both are reprehensible acts but one was done over a prolonged period of time with calculated motives against a minor.

So its less deserving of support in court for a shorter sentance.

You are actually justifying rape and auggesting that even good people might do it.

Ah Nembo, the sadistic, thug who micky tried to (and succeeded it seems) get a lenient sentence, beat, raped and left for dead in a ditch a defenseless woman. It was an appalling act, and if a person does that once, it is clearly in them to repeat it. It was a vile crime. Hartes intervention was utterly appalling, and he should have been fired by tyrone, and cold shouldered by the gaa.
The crime involved was shocking in its severity.


So it’s ok to defend a sexual deviant as long as they act quickly?

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“seems” kev. I can only go on what you say. I didnt decide anything. you described the area and the students, not me. If your description leads people to a view, and thats all it is, a view not facts.

And you want me to give you evidence they work, yet you want to say they are a disaster and not give evidence? I take your point that it may not change some schools much, but surely in disadvantaged areas they need to do something and it would seem that this on the face of it is a good initiative to try at least get some positive results. That they are not getting it is disappointing.

If you do have any interest, here are some dept studies on schools with DEIS.
I honestly dont care enough to sift through them to counteract your point they are a disaster, just that I dont think one sweep of a school in north cork not changing much is a reflection of the entire program.

I doubt the beating, raping, and throwing into a ditch for dead of this poor woman was instantaneous.


Its schools.


I gave specific examples though. If they do not work for the majority then they don’t work.

Evaluating themselves :joy::joy::joy:

Its fucking outrageous

Thats exactly what he is saying.

He should be banned.

Fellas banned for alot less

Joe Brolly has waded into the debate.

He was on the Sean O’Rourke Show, apparently, and his Twitter has been rather active this morning.

Ignore? Read my original comment.

Your attempts to score blows by calling someone from Tyrone a Brit just makes you look silly and is a really ignorant comment (at best). As someone from ‘The Republic’ your sense of Irishness is very different to mine.


Is he for or against DEIS schools?