Tom Humphries thread

Pretend ira lads crawling out of the woodwork now when their favourite topic is being discussed


It certainly is.

Bit you continue to make a big thing out of a sideshow while distracting from a rape apologist.

Hilarious shit.

Rape is ok.

Saying Tyrone is in a different country is jailable

Itā€™s your distraction unfortunately, Kev.

Why bother even reply @caoimhaoin waste of your time. Ignore

Iā€™m somewhere in the middle here on Cusackā€™s actions ā€” Iā€™m trying to put myself in his shoes and imagining if say @Phil_Leotardo was caught grooming a 14 year old and how Iā€™d feel about it ā€¦ Initially I donā€™t think I can get past the disgust of the act ā€¦ but maybe in time iā€™d want to help him turn it around - isnā€™t that also a part of what justice is about, rehabilitation for the offender? - But writing a reference for a more lenient sentence just doesnā€™t sit right ā€¦ fuck you Phil - Donā€™t come near me if youā€™re ever caught.


I think his comments are fairly balanced.

And I donā€™t really have a problem with most of what heā€™s saying.

But thereā€™s a difference between ā€œstanding by a friendā€ and ā€œstanding by a friend in court, with the implied purpose of reducing the severity of their sentence.ā€

And whatā€™s most galling is standing by your friend in court to reduce their sentence and then not standing by them any longer because itā€™s now controversial.

Actually whatā€™s really most galling is telling a journalist thereā€™s more to this case than meets the eye and Tom is a fine man and then standing by your man in court to get his sentence reduced and then pointing out how you are bruised by the experience.


not sure if Brolly is coming at this from his journalistic viewpoint or his barrister viewpoint. Either way, I find it crazy that he is winding people up because they seem so outraged over this, yet the man himself gets so emotively involved in other less important issues and goes mental himself. Much like his point on Gooch, I dont necessarily disagree with his point, its just the irony of the man making the point and what he is saying.

Why are you putting words in my mouth that I did not say? Very odd outlooks by some people here.

Unreal post. You should really contribute more often on TFK.


I find others implying that certain people are more outraged by a testimonial dinner or Jim Gavinā€™s press conferences than by child sexual abuse to be rather perverse and grandstanding.

Hard to be surprised at this statement when you like to sexually objectify women and post about ā€˜enjoyingā€™ being raped on here.

meh. people get outraged over all sorts. who is Brolly to be the one who says what they should be outraged over considering how outraged he gets over things. It wouldnt bother me enough to have a go at him, I just find it odd how he wants to be calm and measured with this but will lose the plot and cast aspersions on others on less important things. As I also mentioned, he may well be looking at this moreso from a legal knowedge standpoint anyway and similar to your earlier arguments, Cusack had every right to give a character reference. It doesnt mean people have to agree with him doing so.

Playing the man not the ball though.

We are allowed have nuanced opinions


It is playing the man and not the ball, I thought that was clear from the post. Similar to his point on Gooch. He may be right, but him making the point doesnt sit well.

I disagree with what Harte did but I donā€™t think you can parallel the depths of the two crimes and the level of premeditation in one in contrast to the other.

You are, yes.
