Tom Humphries thread

A fine man too. Those words should haunt him to his grave.

I still don’t know why the references weren’t published or read out in court. If they are part of the judicial process then surely they should be on the public record? It feels a bit off that there has been so much public commentary on them without knowing anything other than the gist of their content.

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Did you miss the question mark at the end of the sentence?

What else did you intend to mean by insinuating that one action was worse as it happened over a prolonged period of time?

There is a point here though about outrage and how it’s channelled in certain situations.

Is outrage at what Humphries did justified? Obviously.

Is criticism of Cusack and Walsh legitimate? Yes. Is vilification of them so that their careers are affected legitimate? No, I don’t think so.

“Losing the plot” (and that’s very subjective) as regards things like Colm Cooper’s dinner and Jim Gavin’s press conference doesn’t really matter because these things themselves ultimately don’t really matter. They’re basically fodder for filling column inches.

“Losing the plot” as regards a serious criminal trial has more serious implications. There have been plenty of people who have lost the plot on national media in the last day - people saying Humphries deserves to be locked up for life, multiple journalists calling him a paedophile (he’s not), even Ewan McKenna, without any evidence as far as I can see, saying that he advocated that GAA volunteers not be screened (vetted). The air of vilification of Cusack and Walsh, almost as if they were accessories to the crime. The air of vilification of certain people because they made comments that apparently don’t go far enough for some people’s liking in terms of outrage.

Humphries is deservedly going to prison for what he did - it doesn’t help the discussion of serious crime or other legitimate talking points such as the length of the sentence, the character references and the judge’s comments, when people on the national airwaves are deliberately exaggerating the already serious crimes he committed beyond the reality. Discussion of serious criminal matters and what happens as regards trials and sentencing should always be measured if at all possible.

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Did she not say it was ok in a Group Text context, with permission from the parent?

I was only half or 3/4 listening mind

Of course it fucking is. These two creeps conspired to get a paedophile a lighter sentence, they deserve everything that comes their way. I hope Walsh gets sacked by the Sunday Times, he’s repugnant individual.


Both were reprehensible acts.

One was worse than the other as it was carried out over years with little remorse.

Like the actions of Gerry Adams brother?

I fail to see what that has to do with anything.

He put a question mark at the end of it — therefore, it’s relevant.

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You’re wrong on two counts there, but carry on.

Of course you do.

Fucking hypocrite.

Nope. I stand against hypocrisy.

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You’re the very essence of it.


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And once again you’re wrong

I’ve never said a single thing about the jumped up Limerick cunt.

He’s an odious little creep.

An awful few days for @croppy_boy - clamped by @Gman on the NFL thread and now obliterated by TSG and exposed as an utter hypocrite, once again.

you sir are an utter hypocrite

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I’ll thank you to withdraw that. I’ve always hated that prick Noonan.

In this case you could even call him an otter hypocrite as you have him so nicely in your pocket.

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