Tom Humphries thread

Iā€™m not sure I understand, the schooling can only take place for a part of the day but itā€™s a huge one, it would take more than commitment and good intentions to face a class of 30 children in a deprived area without an SNA and the struggling learners being taken for resource, thatā€™s not to mention a significant amount of them arriving hungry and without a packed lunch.
I havenā€™t the time to go into this but as I said I cannot imagine a DEIS teacher speaking negatively of it, Iā€™ve never met one anyway.

Has this been posted already?

Ivan with a passionate defence of Donal Og and the judge there

Well maybe they have a selfish outlook on it? Its helping teachers, but is it really helping kids? Its just like coaching in modern world. Adult centred. How about asking the kids. Or their parents, or people who know what it was like before. Because thats who i would listen to most (everyone should be listened to). And i am just asking questions here as well, i do not know the teachers. But they are questions worth askin. I think it still comes down higely to getting lucky with your Principal.

I am not saying the school alone takes after school responsibility, but they are part of it.

There are after school projects of note atound the place but again they are down to individual Principals and the like or they are private business. Proper after school projects involve local community leaders and stakeholders.

I am say the people who i know and meet, and maybe i chat to more critical people by nature i honestly do not know.

SMAā€™s have limited abilities to really effect change.

Small class sizes are obviously better than larger ones, but that seems to be one of the only things happening.

In Ireland though it will take a copy & paste bottom up project to change things. Top down does not work in ireland. And thats whats haplening. However it latgely haplens in the already affluent areas or in gaelscoils and the like.

Its a massively broad question, but what i am seeing is treatment of symptoms, not the actual issues.

I agree with some of what you say but having a go at the Deis scheme is absurd. Targeting schools with kids in disadvantaged areas and providing them with extra resources in terms of money, teachers and connected expertise in order to keep kids in school longer is a savage scheme. Of course some shit doesnā€™t work, but sometimes nothing works and your suggestion is throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

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ISorry Kev, Iā€™m not having an argument with you but youā€™re wrong on this one,
Of course itā€™s helping kids to have smaller classes, how could it not.
SNAā€™s can be as important as the teachers in many schools/classrooms,

Maybe you do speak to critically minded people but this is a bizarre thing for teachers in DEIS schools to spout

No essentially i am suggesting more intelligent use of money. OR, more money in conjunction with whats already in place.

I would be absolutely the opposite of throwing baby out. But they are not solving the major issues. Its still thinking education is about maths and english and irish (ffs) alone.

If they brought dieticians in and rolled out programs that included families that would be worth alot more.

I use a nutritional program with families and its absolutely sensational in the changes it brings. Not mine, an off the shelf program that a friend of mine is now bringing into his cirriculum in a University degree in scotland. I am in talks with the company to roll it out to an entire town possibly in the future. How workable i do not know.

But i think things need to be looked at differently. Very differently.

I donā€™t think so. I think it might be a stand back and really look at it thing.

Think its 10 years or so going and some areas are not really experience any real change.

Its a very rare type of kid who goes well at school without social and environmental support. Thats the sad bottom line.

Why did Ewan delete the following Twitter message which was addressed to Cusack and Walsh?

ā€œWonā€™t be resting until a few bosses remove ye from certain positions.ā€

Joe Brolly putting a bit of perspective on thingsā€¦


Dead right too

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cobh is a grand town,
glorious down there this morning
couple of knots puff out the harbour, flat calm, view from east hill out the glass blue water off to rochesā€™s point , the grimaldi lines carrier was been guided in to port by the gerry o sullivan at the time
was down last night listening to stephen henderson outline his plans for next season, an inspirational type and an adopted cobhman

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What kind of foods does this encourage

Hed often delete bits and pieces if he was playing to the gallery as the man said

Hardly talks about foods particularly at all.

Its all about habits

How you eat. Not what you eat.

Its a behavioral Science program essentially.

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This will be increased on appeal. Iā€™ve noted in the Paper of Record over the last year or two George Bermingham in the Court of Appeal increasing a good few sentences for undue leniency. Not as many bleeding heart liberals on the court of Appeal bench.

this is where it is gone now, accusing a 93 year old senile man of sexual abuse, the world is fucked

Have the snowflakes all had a humour by pass ? Do they have any bit of craic ?

any man that has ever spoken to a woman is in danger of being accused of sexual assault