Tom Humphries thread

It’s outrageous. Count your lucky stars you’ve already paid every woman you ever had sex with.


They say johns don’t pay for sex . They pay for the silence and the staying away .

Any woman Tossy has ever had sex with has always ended up looking the same way - deflated.

Thankfully for him that type of woman never reports sexual assault, so he’s in the clear.

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George bush is a repulsive individual. He bred george w. QED.

Rumour has it he tried to impress the woman by showing her his flash new set of wheels.


As if a female has ever willingily spent time with you :smiley:


Isn’t this moslem brotherhood a cover name for Isis? Like sinn Fein and the cira are the same thing

Ms Lind finished her post with the hashtag #metoo, which has seen widespread use by victims of sexual assault to share their experiences in the wake of the Harvey Weinstein Hollywood scandal.

"What comforts me is that I too can use my power, which isn’t so different from a president really," she said.

So brave. She can really relate to say a victim of a violent rape or somebody who was molested through their childhood because she too was also a victim when an incontinent old man in his 90’s brushed against her in his wheelchair and told her a dirty joke.

Fuck sake.


Don’t trivialise her ordeal pal. Women find it difficult to report sexual assaults because of the attitudes of dinosaurs like yourself.

Not sure if serious.

There’s a “George Bush Intercontinental Airport” in Houston.

You can’t spell that without George Bush Incontinent.

she is empowering women all over the world…

imagine the way the world will be in 20 years, it doesn’t bear thinking about, you’ll probably be arrested for looking at women, they will report you for trying to chat them up for sexual harassment

Is it still called kerb crawling the way that you ‘chat women up’?

the way things are going between the #metoo brigade and the likes of dirty bastards like of @Sidney s mate Tom Humphry, any decent normal lad going out looking for a bit of slap and tickle of a saturday night with a young lady will need to bring a contact around with them and have said young lady sign on the dotted line before and activities take place.

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You owe @Locke €20

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No, not til it’s settled in.

Joe Brolly seems to be having a Twitter meltdown.

Can you link for us luddites?

His twitter page.