Tom Humphries thread

I’m not on twitter mate.

He has gone nuts, cleaned house and wrecked the gaff.

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Basically the likes of this after each other.

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He’s having a right go off Gemma O’Doherty - I know the name but not sure what she does.

Joe Brolly‏ @JoeBrolly1993 4m4 minutes ago
Replying to @generenehan @gemmaod1

Gemma doesn’t have an opinion. Gemma just has OUTRAGE. Be fair Gene.

Joe Brolly‏ @JoeBrolly1993 11m11 minutes ago
Replying to @lyonsy2k @gemmaod1

It is evil of course. And very difficult to forgive. But rage cannot form the basis of society’s approach. We’d end up like Iran

He’s lost it something savage.

Joe Brolly‏ @JoeBrolly1993 45m45 minutes ago
Replying to @HoorayForNiamh @gemmaod1

Soon, your temporary false outrage will abate, which is normal. Paedophilia is a problem that will be with us forever. Not a twitter fad.

Brolly getting up on his high horse about a people outraged about a lenient sentence for a nice. Last week Joe was getting out the pitchforks and torches about some lad having a dinner.

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Dont be getting outraged at me! Get outraged at Joe.

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Not settled yet. If he’s still there end Nov, I’ll pay gladly.

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And I’ll match it.


Joe Brolly is a cunt.


We are all cunts, mate.

Sexual abuse isn’t something that one should be acting the cunt about though.

He should know better, mate.

He is totally horrified by child abuse, which goes without saying — it’s the outrage towards Cusack and Walsh he is challenging.

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Joe is metaphorically knocking it out of the park.

The outrage is more than justified though mate, writing letters for a sick cunt like that was deplorable.

Both of those cunts have been champions of righteousness for years as well which makes it all the more sickening.

Absolutely nailed it all in that sentence.


i agree and have argued as much here - By all means help him turn it around after he is sentenced… Think Joe is challenging lynch mob mentality and emotive justice more than anything… He’salready spoke out about child abuse and somewhat about character references - He just doesn’t think the lads deserve to be hounded out of work for writing them.