Tom Humphries thread

No. It’s a very important way of stopping people gaining access to kids and abusing them. I’m sure most gaa clubs will be much tighter after this but there are lots of other groups that aren’t and can’t be as vigilant. This is vital for them sick fucks.

Would you ever fuck off with yourself. If you want to have a discussion/ debate then have one. Instead of these drug induced fuck wit posts you’re coming up with.

You really are a Dim cunt.

Keep typing I’m on drugs if it makes you feel better about the nonsense you are typing.

You’ve admitted it yourself . Now go away and sober up a bit.

Admitted to talking to cows & taking drugs tonight?

Something that hasn’t been commented on much and something I only read about yesterday was that Humphries was not actually coaching this girl, she was not part of the team he was a mentor to.

CC @farmerinthecity who was asking earlier about this.

Not that it makes much difference, but just shows it really wouldn’t matter what checks or anything were involved as he made contact with someone that wasn’t even playing with the team he was part of.


And the other girl?

Christ :persevere:

No wonder the Club have buried their heads in the sand.

I haven’t a clue? Do you? Was any of that information released? I can only comment on what information he was convicted of

Even more calculated… How could it lead back to him? Does that article tell how they first made contact? Did he over hear other coaches single her out as someone that was having problems and he honed in? The lads must have written him two of the best pieces of writing ever penned… Humphries himself must have written them which wouldn’t be a surprise in Cusasks case.

Thats why i said years of therapy. And i agree, little evidence to say that would work.

And as you say, deviency takes different (if anything works) type of treatment.

We know environments matter. But how much genetics matter is still debatable

Its not going to stop a large amount who go undetected though.

Its an insurance box ticking exercise

What’s the alternative? Not everything is a box ticking exercise.

I would say most things in the GAA are. Childrens officers, coaching officers, coaching courses, vetting.

There is no real way of stopping it only educating children. I have seen presentations on the web that were given to kids on grooming
How to identify it etc. Its uncomfortable to think thats whats needed but maybe it is.

What needs to happen for a vetting to be failed? Like can a driving offence screw you for instance?

It goes on case by case if you have any criminal conviction that is not violent or sex crime. Those are automatic fails, others are reviewed.

I get you think a lot of stuff is box ticking, but realistically, what do you think sporting organisations should do, because despite you saying this is box ticking, this is the method used by every sport in the country?

Back and to the left

He wouldn’t have a clue if he was to tell the truth.

Does not make them any use. There is a possibikity they are only foing it because others fid or insurance companies raised policies

For instance, Who are the children officers answerable to? And are they vetted? No they are not (unless they double up as a coach)

Chairmen, secretary and treasuer are accountable.

Why not everyone?

I would scrap alot of them roles and pour money into coaching the coaches on actually dealibg with children and young people. Not givong them technical drills to pass out

It can’t stop people who haven’t offended. But it does make it far more difficult for people who have offended to get into another position of power in order to re abuse. And that’s pretty important considering how high repeat offending is with sexual crimes.

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Do you really think there is a line of sex offenders waiting in line at GAA clubs to coach? Cop on. They wouldn’t get next or near it.

The people within clubs would be too aware for that for the most part.