Tom Humphries thread

As if thats how it really works

What are you on about?

I deliver professional proframs to enhance the skills of coaches so they can make the kids healthier and more injury resilliant. Most have no clue what they are at. And sometimes that extends into deliver games and methods to make training more funa dn a better learning experience.

Few ā€œvolunteersā€ have the skills to do this.

And at adult level, if a club cannot create a coaching culture that delivers good coaches the players will want to play for and develop them then thats the clubs problem. If you want an outsider to give up time snd travel then they should be paid for that and their time and expertise.

However some clubs have such little coaching knowledge they choose chancers who are on the circuit. Some of the greatest lunatics going are getting gigs around Cork. But i blame the home club.
I agree, the ideal scenario is home based coaches.

And i promote that all the time. But at present few clubs know what to do.

But with the work that goes into a serious club team coaches shoulf be allowed be paid above the counter. Its a farce otherwise.

I save clubs money in the long run

@carryharry - look you are doing is embarrassing yourself with your insecure jibes based generally on the fact that nobody would ever ask you to take a team and you may get paid for it.
Get a life. Or go away and spend 23 yeTs coaching and educating yourself and come back to me you poisinous bitter little cunt

Your kind are not wanted within the GAA. You are a hungry self observed cunt with a bad reputation.

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I think @caoimhaoin is having a mental health episode.

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I think yourself and harry are jealous i get paid to do a job i enjoy and ye have no free time

Iā€™m in Mallow today kev. Was here again last week. Lovely morning this morning with no wind today. Iā€™m not charging for my time either. I do it because I love the game and get great satisfaction from developing players. This is my 6th year with Co development,Iā€™m asked back time and time again where a lot of guys want the gig but arenā€™t asked. Go work that out in your lateral thinking mind.


I see you were still editing that three line post 20 minutes after you originally sent it. :grin:

Well done, you eventually got there.

A triumph of the human spirit, like Derek Redmond hobbling around the track at the Barcelona Olympics.

Never give up.

Says who?

Well done. Once you are in you are in.

The fact that you keep going on about the level shows its about status.

You exposed your knowledge on skill acquisition plenty times on the coaches thread. Of course you may have other strengths.

I can only talk for what i hear in Cork. But here actual level of coaching ability has zero to do with who gets coaching jobs and many of the good people stay away.

I do my volunteering away from the GAA where it really matter, is needed and appreciated. Fellas shouting about volunteering for gaa are generally gobshites. Just do it and get on with it. I did it for alot longer than anyone here i would suggest (bar maybe fagan or boxty) and i will do it again. I did all the shite you are on about, taking multiple teams etc. Its a waste of time. Take one team and do a good job. The grandstanding for your volunteerism is embarrassing.

Its all about status.

Would you take the local camogie u14ā€™s? You would in your fuck

Whatā€™s it to you?

Now that they stopped giving out phone numbers, @Brimmer_Bradley wonā€™t go near the u14 camoige team.

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Iā€™m just asking bro , thatā€™s a serious statementā€¦

Go on. Expose me.

What have i a bad reputation for?

Pay your membership before you question a volunteers motives you wanker.

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I can question whoever the fuck i like and i donā€™t have to pay for the pleasure of it.

If they have a pair of balls they will answer.

Do you pay membership for the local gym even if you know you are never going to use it for the year?
Its the same thing.

Its gas fellas trying to portray me as a money man for doing my job. Thick cunts

Serious like slandering a Coaches methods on this site?
Like making up stories about Teachers calling DEIS a waste of time?

Can you give me a few days to further compile examples?

Answer someone with no association to the GAA? :joy::joy::joy::joy:


I have worked with around a dozen clubs in 2 years. More come looking based on the work. How am i not associated?

The gas thing is, Brimmers crowd are onto.meā€‹:joy::joy::joy:

Critiquing a coaches methods seems fair game does it not? - I havenā€™t seen what was said but thatā€™s surely part of that game and itā€™s based on opinionsā€¦

Deis schools is an opinion- heā€™s wrong, but itā€™s an opinionā€¦

Youā€™ve said he has a bad reputation ā€“ that seems like a factual statement ?