Tom Humphries thread

Its a club fella. For playing sport, exercising and meeting friends.

All the same

It’s your job kid.

You have no say in how Clubs run their affairs. You are a paid lackey.


Or scientifically exposing his lack of knowledge on a key component of developing skills.

Especially at “Elite” level

Well in some cases they are asking for help in “how they run their affairs”, at least on the coaching structure. I am a paid professional.

In the other hand, i’m not telling them to do anything. You are not making any sense. Who am i teing how to run their affairs?

You are there to train the team you gimp.

Well you claerly have no idea what you i do so.


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Generally one coach wouldn’t criticize another’s methods. However there’s one lad from Milford. …

I’ve said enough :zipper_mouth_face:

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How come you asked me last year would i come up to your club?


:popcorn: :popcorn:


The man from Milfird never saw me coach a team.

You exposed yourself as veing an average uneducated coach on here. Thats the bottom line. And believe me, i was there as well. Coaching is a necer ending story of learning. Once you think you know it all you are fucked.

Getting County development jobs is political and usually involves alot of brown nosing. And how much influence one can actually have is quite limited. Bar Dublin i have yet to see a develoome t squad set up that actually delivers elite coaching to elite players.

All it seems to be is the same stuff that happens at club level just with better players.

Ye lads are more than welcome to come and challenge me on facebook or somewhere publically.

I have plenty forums better suited to discussing coaching if ye have the balls for it.

I know ye know where i am.

Sure you aren’t even a club member what would you know about clubs and the running of them and the nurturing of players. A classic hurler on the ditch. Absolutely classic example of it. Knock and moan and criticize everything and everyone but do fuck all to get stuck in. You knock the cork co board but don’t even bother to put a motion in any year for the AGM, you don’t even have a vote.

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Actually i have done all of those things.

And as i said, if its a dick measuring contest you want i daresay i have more years down that you, fenway and harry put together.

I often wonder how many players, parents and coaches you have driven out of the sport.
I could imagine it alright, fellas working with juveniles from when they were toddlers and driving them on to attain higher skill levels and all the time keeping them interested and keeping the parents onside.
Then someone suggests that they bring in a snake oil salesman and he upsets the whole thing, then fucks off to some other club when it’s realized that he’s a gombeen spoofer. But the damage is done then, 3 or 4 good players gone and a few coaches throwing their hats at it because of some gobdaw telling them that they’re doing it all wrong.

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Look. No more here.

If you have the balls to challenge me do so


Or i can let you join these groups

So much expertise there and a great place to challenge your methods and thoughts and assumptions.

Don’t be put off by the s&c nature of the youth one. Its all about coaching really in general.

Coaching science has some well known world class coaches involved and is an incredibly intellectual group.

My own one, well you can come and have a cut.

A few have tried but they didn’t come prepared.

And maybe you should stop often wondering about me and challenge yourself and your methods

Last year???

a lot of guys taking training kids to play gga too seriously and training jumior teams too seriously


Maybe with in 18 months or so.

And if i remember correctly you asked me how much it would cost and then you said you would get back to me