Tom Humphries thread


Well coaching kids is a much more important job these days than before due to the drop in free play.

Coaches have to get more educated in basics to help stop all the inuries

They were probably shit motions littered with spelling mistakes.

By all means pay up your membership and try again. You know, as you said nobody knows it all so maybe your motion wasn’t up to scratch. Try again with the more advanced knowledge you now so obviously have. :joy::joy:

The knowledge is, the system is fixed to suit administrators.

Anyway as i said, public discussions with identities revealed or fuck off

Did you completely forget asking kev to come up to your club harry :joy::joy::joy:

This is a good ding dong in fairness but that was a money shot

Even now you are trying to make a coin. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Keep out of it you, you cunt.


I did ask would he come up, not by PM may I add. He ignored me truth told.

I dropped it on him weeks later about doing me a favour of coming up. He said he wouldn’t dream of doing the favour without COIN.

I knew well he wouldn’t tbh but I threw it out there. I’d often do lads favours on here if they needed a dig out or help with something.

He is telling lies though as regards the story.


Give them a ball and let them play games mate


It was over 3 years ago.

Ya. You are close.

But there are clever games that can enhance both general motor skills and the skills of the sports they are attached to.

But i encourage them to come up with their own games or manipulate what games we give them. Once they own them and are creating with their own inagination the learning process is in full flow then

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Is it?

Time flies when busy.

And i am better and more experienced now than i was then.

The price has gone up though.


You encourage a story to help fund your work. I’ve no problem with that & more power to you in being a success at your profession.

But, kindly fuck off trying to demean volunteers efforts when your put downs are sneakily made in efforts to blow your own horn.


You are not good value for money seemingly. Great talker early doors, full of go but run out of bluster which lads buy into and get prissy when questioned.
It immediately clicked that you dick around here in exactly the same fashion. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Kev is right . Gga volunteers would sicken you. Lads with such odd relationships with their daughters thinking forcing them to play bogball on their teams mean they are great parents and volunteers.
Proper volunteers such as sdvp are a million times better and don’t go on about it

@caoimhaoin, what’s your snapchat ? You should show the fuckers a few clips of you at work.

What volunteers are i demeaning?

I believe, paid or not, if you take on a job you should do it as best you can but actuslly do the job you are asked to do.

Coaching is not about you (ones self).
Administrating is not about free dinners and power.

Untill those things change i will continue to demean those who in those roles do not perform them.

I did not initially demean brimmer. I pointed out that one oarticular thing he was doing was of no benefit. He reacted by going on a tirade about being asked to do jobs. Clear insecurity.its funny because a number of years ago the same thing was shown to me. But i listened and thought about it. Read up about it and adjusted.
Getting decelopment jobs seem to validate everything to brimmer.

And that exposes what he is really about

Enough said you cunt. Fuck off now.