Tom Humphries thread

Yes, big distinction.

Inclusion is the challenge. Keeping those on the fringes involved at all times. Success needs to take a back seat till U14 at least.


The right mentor in any walk of life can have a huge influence on a kid…


The pattern of successful underage not moving on is significant. I would put off till 16 any real will to win. Winning top grade u14’s seems to be a disaster for most clubs

Caveat to that os if they are coming from Grade C or something. Jumping up grades will challenge them and they will want to improve.

Intrinsic motivation underpins everything. Retaining them, keeping them as adults, winning. Everything.

I terms of inclusion, are you talking about the weak lads?

Yes… the weak guy at u9 could be one of the stronger guys at U14. All develop at different times.


You never can tell which mild mannered, quiet child will develop white line fever.

I think it’s fair enough that he asked for money, it is a visit to Tipperary after all

Well i learned a good bit recently about elite learning and i have started using it and i know others are with great success. Its perfect for clubs with strong/weak imbalances.

Get the strong lads to design and take some oarts of the training.
They are removed for periods, but they get a deep appreciation for the game. It challenging for them and can have multiple benefits.

One of the reasons that develoomen squads are not being utilized well is that they just become representitive squads playing together. Actual development and expert coaching is thin on the ground. Many players come back worse off to their clubs skill wise.

They have to be challenged to acquire higher levels of mastery. Getting them coaching will do that.

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But why would i even go across the road to do my job for free?

This is typical Irish/GAA shit, want expertise for nothing.

Expertise!!! :rofl::joy::sweat_smile::laughing::grin::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::smiley::grinning::relaxed:

Nah kev, it’s called volunteerism.


You really are not getting it are you.

Do you think a ohysio should work for free for a club?

And you expect me to volunteer for clubs all over the shop?:joy::joy::joy:
Fuck off and get real. You are living in la la land. Bottom line is i am an investment if club/team buys in. Save ohysio bills, help retain players etc

Listen you are a pussy. If you want to challenge me publically go ahead.

Break down anything i have said. Challenge my expertise.

You are all talk behind a pseudo name

I know a club member who is a qualified nutrition who gave talks and nutrition plans to players for nothing.

I have a brother in law who is a gp who does the medical officer at matches (rugby and gaa) for nothing.

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Not all clubs just your club.

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What thread is this now?

Ya, for their own clubs.

I have taken so many teams in my own club i can’t remember them all.

I also wrote countless s&c programs for players in my clib over the years. And you know what you get? Bitching and whining.

I don’t give talks fenway. I do 4-6 or even more sessions of theory and practice so there is proper learning facilitated.

Most one off talks are iseless bar for 2-3 really interested and attentive guys.

You clearly have no idea what you are discussing here.

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Never a prophet in your own Parish fenway. You will only be appreciated when you do it elsewhere.

I will take teams again. They are a mess now with egos allowed run amok. Why would i bother. Useless shower of older pmayers too who take no responsibility for their performance. I’ll wait for that to die off.

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What would you like it to be?

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