Tommy Tiernan

He seems to not get on with his father or at least have a very uneasy relationship with him. Tommy is his own man, a pure shite talker, dreamer and totally self obsessed. He has notions and at the same time cuts through bullshit.

I couldn’t speak to their relationship.

I’ve drank many a pint with Kevin in the old bridge. He doesn’t say much but when he decides to talk you’d be as well off listening

In his last podcast Tommy claimed to have dug up his mother’s grave and burned her coffin in a nearby quarry with his father. This may, or may not be true.

Can we just agree on #tommyforpresident

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What the fuck is a “drinking friend”?

How do you know him?

middle aged white man says racism is ok as he isnt offended if someone slags white people

My life partner is a close neighbour.

Piss off honky

Didn’t you get arrested on the night of your 40th for abusing black members of staff in the establishment you were drinking in?


Like a football friend except with drink


Know a few Davis lads and have been out drinking with Zak before. A sound skin. The Kurd thing doesn’t come into it at all - he’s a pure Dub. And the single thing - he does more than alright for himself


What the fuck?


One of our lads was transferred to Davis as well recently. A fair man for Tinder by all accounts

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All of a sudden it’s like lockdown never happened

By God

I’ve no problems with lads belittling Tubs or Ray Darcy but Tommy is an alright sort.

Enjoying his show and his podcast is good but i hope it does not become repetitive.

What a horrible bastard
