Tommy Tiernan

Twas like Marlon Brando with the orange skins shoved in his mouth when playin Don Corleone

Fuck me he has a comical looking head. Watching on delay here. This is a good performance tbf.



O Driscoll was a fascinating interview, did you watch it?

Have any of the TT interviews been “fascinating “ in reality . What I have seen of the show it has been better that the LLS and Ray Darcy but …

He is doing a better job interviewing the same people we see and hear too much of already

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I know you’re taking the piss but I actually thought that interview was savage.

That’s 2 shite episodes in a row now for TT. Serious pressure on for next week

That’s absolute shite, he gave a good skanger talking to the mic.

Them type of dubs are literally a different breed. As I believe someone here said before ‘you just wouldn’t get it’.

I watched an interview Tiernan did with Marian Keyes on YouTube last night.

Very good. Marian is a very much alright sort.


Your woman on. Are you watching?

I though @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy was more of a fan of Cliona

Jesus no, he’s an aul soft spot for Philomena.

There’d be no musical arguments on a road journey with the border bull with Philomena on.

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This one is a dose.


+1. Philomena is showing the miles of late. I’ve always liked her but her facial expressions would turn back a funeral.

Was she hard on the bottle?

I’m not waiting for the last guest. I’ve seen enough.

3 strikes I’m afraid Tommy

Utter shite

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Loves a drop at a show

Helen is an alright sort.

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I wouldn’t say hard but could down a few sociably. Dark liquor only.

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