Tommy Tiernan

Its work.

He’s very good at that sort of thing to be fair. Some of his old TG4 stuff is excellent.


Second Captains have about 15,000 subs but built up over a while before they started pimping it @ €5 per month.

Hard to tell with their podcast, I’d say they would have somewhere between 20-30k listeners per week. Hard to see a great conversion rate to subscription when they would have a high semi-roaster contigent getting something for FREE all along. If they got 4-5k subscribers a month they would be doing awful well.
Acast paying interface will not do them any favours either.

You wouldnt begrudge them earning a few bob. I’d be happier with this than to see them sponsored by a shower of cunts like Paddy Power. Yea, I’m looking at you.

It really shows how good value Second Captains is at a 5er a month for 5 episodes a week vs. just one extra episode for the 2 Johnnies and now Tommy and Hector. I’d say they’d lose very few listeners at double the price


Fucking sure they would… That would be about 10 grand a month each for them ffs!!!

I didn’t realise people pay for entertainment podcasts now. I’m obviously well behind the times.

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Do people listen to second captains? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I’d give them 50 quid to drop the HAW HAW HAW HAW wan.


Eoin McDevitt is the best presenter of anything in Ireland

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It is great value. If you only listened to one podcast a week it would be worth it. I have a sub and id listen in fits and starts… But lot of good long form stuff in archives

The 5 of them get €75,000 a month. Pretty sure it’s the Coldplay model of distribution where they all get the equal amount.

The price is too low to switch/unsub. Don’t matter a fuck how many people listen.

€7 a month is steep though.
I think the two Jonnies is €5.
So a subscription to both of those would be the same price as Netflix.

Wtf? The 2 Jonnie’s charge people to listen to them? This is one of these scenarios where you worry about the average person


The off the ball lads have started charging for their golf podcast. 7 quid a month for a podcast a week, maybe a extra one the week of a major.

Second Captains is great value in comparison

They mentioned it in an interview recently. They are bizzarely popular.

I wouldn’t listen for free, awful wankers altogether. But that ain’t bad money…


Is there a market for a Netflix type podcast subscription bundle?

Go way? Are you taking the piss?

If Emmet Kennedy could monetize the lads listening to the final furlong in Azerbaijan he’d be a millionaire