Tommy Tiernan

Its a pity @rocko and @bandage never pursued the podcast model. Between all the experts on here they’d be half retired by now

Nail on the head. Second Captains is a great example - aim is to get people to try it out. Most people will be too lazy to unsubscribe if they stop listening and will convince themselves they will listen again when championship/premiership/six Nations whatever else starts.

They’re probably the only podcast catering to the average young lad/young wan. Talking about riding and a bit of general shite talk that young people are interested in will get you far enough

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Thinly veiled "I pay a fiver a month to listen to the two johnnies "

I actually don’t but I was at a house party at the weekend and they came up and every young wan there was mad about them

Benefit isn’t big enough I think for people to put their card number in. Most people will be happy with one a week, unless they get shnakey with what they put in the paid one.

I’d only listen to the football SC episodes and avoid the rubby and US murph etc at all costs unless they’d have a boxing or athletics slant on but yeah it’s an enjoyable listen for buttons. I think Ken’s a bit of a hate figure on here but he’s one of the better post gilesy-dunphy modern football journos even if he does laugh at his own jokes a lot.

I like Ken Early a lot but in the same way I liked Dunphy. They are entertaining in their delivery while often talking shite

I find all of this a bit bizarre. The Athletic employ proper journos and have some genuinely interesting articles and stories. They can’t give it away. A euro or two a month on offer the whole time.

And then you’ve lads paying a fiver a month to listen to 2 lads from Tipp talk shite.

Journalism is definitely dead.

It’s a lot easier to listen to a podcast than read a book or article


Hard to read an article and you out for a walk or driving the car

Hence my point, journalism is dead.

Mac pays a lad to run beside him and read the article to him


They took a punt on people wanting long-reads. People don’t have the time anymore.
A lot of their articles are folksy horseshit too, one-armed jersey sellers at Real Oviedo.

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He does one run a week for free but is gonna start charging me 9 euro a month for a 2nd run


It must only be pure boggers listening to those two johns… I doubt many urban or chic persons know they exist

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Them and fuckin hector

Ah it’s all fucked in general. I bought two critically acclaimed sports books there last week and can’t bring myself to start them while being here on the phone with some shite on Netflix in the background for the evening


The athletic is mainly long form articles that could or should be short form articles. I enjoy a long read but would I fuck be paying for it.
I listened to a two Johnnies podcast a while back, a free one needless to say. It was grand like. Every culchie cliche you could think of. They are basically a poorer version of the dunbelivables. But sure what harm and if people will pay for it then fair play to them

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Go back and watch them two gobdaws from Tipperary on Tommy’s TV show… they are prattling on about themselves and they mention a podcast… Tommy wakes up a bit… they explain they have one free and one paid per week… Tommy falls off the chair! He gets them to ladybird it for him and his eyes glaze over…