Tommy Tiernan

You can see the € symbols in his eyes

And a month later he does the same with his own podcast…

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No flies on you kid


You’ve to get up early in the morning to catch me out

Second Captains would be great value at a tenner a month. Outstanding podcast.

Reminds me I must cancel my Athletic subscription. I rarely read it

I’ve an IT and Currency subscription too via work. Currency has some decent articles. Reading a physical Irish times is fine but I only get physical paper if I buy it myself and it’s rare enough I’d read it on the app.

Journalism probably is dead all right.

There’ll be a new age Eddie Hobbs in a few years explaining to people they can save up to 300 quid a month if they cancel their subscription to the 2 Johnnie’s, 2nd Captains, Peleton, Strava, Facebook Premium, LinkedIn Premium, Netflix extra, Amazon Prime, Garmin Extra, Fitbit Premium etc.

And the mad thing is they’ll be hailed as a genius


Are you drinking tonight?

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You on the hooch again hook nose?


The sponsorship wouldn’t exactly be a goldmine. I’m sure they’d like to make a few quid out of it, pay any staff (haven’t heard it yet, but is there a producer?). It’s a business. They’re not just making it for the craic of it.

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5 staff

I’m not sure who I’m more disappointed with.

I wish I was


PS I nearly applied for a podcast producer job before. Didn’t bother in the end (it didn’t say what the podcast was) but turns out subsequently it was the 2 Johnnies.

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More and more this is the way content will go. Patreon/ subscription/ pay on demand. Freemium type model with some stuff free, and the premium content behind paywall.

Sponsorship for podcasts is still a new game, and pittance in comparison to ‘traditional’ media.

This is all very informative my 2 adult children sneer at me when I mention how do these podcast yokes make money? I know better now.

Are you drinking?


Lads won’t pay for music anymore but will pay for podcasts.

World is gone mad

I suppose that’s what I pay Spotify for.

I thought bando had already retired to full-time childminding