Tommy Tiernan

Problem with the podcast/the chat show is it becomes formulaic and because of social media the presenters respond to the feedback loop. They’ve a limited lifespan.

I like Tiernan and his musings but I’ve not listened to the podcast for ages now.

Last few years everyone praising tiernans style of interviewing which allows the guest to dominate uninterrupted… he has Keane on who won’t say a word and of course it’s Tiernans fault !

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It’s 3 years on in fairness. Dont think he should be cancelled but he definitely shouldnt be doing shit jokes, or racist jokes. Definitely not shit racist ones like above. Tommy is shark jumping a bit now to be fair… the ads for his excuse show for him to go up thw wesht coasht were embarrassing.

That’s hardly accurate.

From memory of the interview, Keane was more open that he usually is and the interview went downhill when Tiernan asked bizarre questions around the need that women have to feel secure in a relationship.

That’s doesn’t make him open … Tommy was clutching at straws …

I do like Tiernan’s interview style most of the time but I feel he left a few gaping scores behind him. Whether Keane would have answered them or not - he could have asked the question at least.

Roy Keane is box office, even when he’s not exactly box office

I thought Keane came to unsettle him and play interview on his terms and Tiernan got rattled
…like I said id query why Keane showed up at all to that type of interview knowing the format …

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Tiernan was afraid of this shit of Keane


Which I think was Keanes intention and made the whole thing a waste of time …

Tiernan wasn’t able to think on his feet


Shur what’s wrong with that?

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Tiernan interviews them for way longer than is shown too. That was the edited highlights. The fact he didn’t know he was going to be on is shite with someone as famous as Keane. He just ends up asking him the same old shite we’ve heard a million times before instead of giving him the chance to prep a bit and come up with something different

The patrons of TFK are up their own holes, not Tommy. You cant say boo to a goose on here and there’s outrage and accusations of being racist/far right/ fascists. The wokies are now running the asylum on here.


A walking ball of contradictions


There are racist undertones to it.

And he has form in that regard with much more direct stuff than that.

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As the first person of colour in Limerick i see nothing wrong with Tommy’s line of questioning regarding that Leitrim chap… I used to get ‘where are you really from’ all the time from Irish people. The country was a white insular place for a long time and most people were asking from a place of innocence and slight ignorance. No badness.


Racist or ignorance? There’s a difference… Are irish people all a little racist?

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Like I said Tiernan has proper form in this regard.

What he said about Jews was pretty horrific.

3 days ago I’d say