Tommy Tiernan

I remember a teacher saying to us incredulously “Do you think I came in on the last banana boat to Foynes?”

Was that racist?


Did they catch you with a net?

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Tiernan told a joke about him receiving sex education which I thought was very funny.

It involved a priest.

I don’t know, there was something more subtle to it other than being in your face controversial for the sake of it type thing.

Once the most liked post on tfk…

My family nickname since the 50s is the ni*ger (insert family surname) - is that racist?

Mrs O’Sullivan had the young lad on her lap the other day… She’s 77. She started singing… Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, catch a nig*er by the toe… Myself and the Mrs looked at each other wide eyed … her generation would think nothing of it.


The woke cunts are taking over and its very worrying. I was at Dave McSavage last night in London. More than half the audience were under 25 and woke. He made a good few harmless aul jokes at their expense and you should have seen their faces as us aul lads were crying laughing at them


the ones belonging to you up around glasgow and carew all got the racial abuse

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I just read the piece there where some rte wan walked out of hig gig because he made a mild joke about African taxi drivers… Fuck me. A large amount of taxi drivers are African, what’s wrong with that? Are we living in such a sterile world that you cant make fun of it? Everything is racist/ homophobic/ transphobic now.


It had nothing to go with trains, it was taxiphobic

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You forgot to cc me

What was the joke bro? I can’t find anywhere with a clear explanation of it.

a white comedian can’t even impersonate a chinese lad these days without getting sacked

I’ll never understand people who go to see the likes of Jimmy Carr, Tiernan or McSavage and get offended


He just made that up :man_shrugging:

I don’t understand anyone putting a cent in that McSavage cunts pocket

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Mickey Martin wouldn’t get away with this now

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They want to be offended lad that’s their point,they literally go out of their way to be offended.Then piss and moan about it on social media.

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He should be in the cunt of the year thread. As well as the unfunny thread, if there is one.

Did he do Mick the Bull?

He did. A brilliant character


Talk about needy FFS
I wonder has she her email drafted yet.

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