Tommy Tiernan


Ah jaysus.

It was racist adjacent, or unconsciously racist adjacent…it’s something whatever it is

She got her name in the paper anyways.

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That’s all that matters, baby. What a generation that are coming, huh!

Christ. She relies on all the woke cliches…“my heart sank” , received the ticket as a birthday present, she was shocked, she couldn’t have known the place would be “harmful” for her.
And she was videoing the gig from the start…just in case she needed evidence of her mortification.
Horrible oul bat.


No doubt her bosses in RTE will shit their pants and give her a cushy number somewhere before she drafts that email she working on

Can someone enlighten me as to what the joke was because I still don’t know.

Taxi Drivers

I think he’s saying

Penguins = nuns
Wolves = irish people
African animals = taxi drivers

Basically all taxi drivers in Dublin are African.I know horrendous wasn’t it.

One thing is for sure anyway - it is a horrific attempt at a joke.

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In fairness that is racist. But on the other hand your ones breathless account of it is almost as bad. Complain that Tommy tiernan made a racist joke and spare us the rest of the bullshit.

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run that by me again - its a bad to be a victim of racism than to be racist?

I got about 12 taxis or so around Christmas in Dublin. I would say 9/10 of them were Africian lads. The Irish lads won’t do it anymore and the only lads who do are razor sharp about what they will and won’t do.

If you replayed the joke to 12 of them I wonder how many would choose to get offended?

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Is Tommy cancelled yet?

Are they going big for him? I hope they are crying with anger

He didn’t say African animals… He said getting in a cab was like tve African savannah… Her complaint was not all black people are taxi drivers , that she has a degree… ffs :roll_eyes:

“…and I was vibing…” no please… no…


You don’t choose to be offended…unless you’re smug, privileged, talentless, woke and stupid…in which case you’re just as likely to feel unsafe,your heart sinking and utterly horrified

Its in the article. This is what she posted on Insta

"His first joke of the night straight out of the gate began with and I paraphrase (please if you were there too, correct me if I am wrong).

"‘My daughter told me I shouldn’t tell this joke’… long pause ….

"'So I was at the zoo the other day and looking at the penguins, they are like little nuns walking around with rosary beads.

"Then the wolves were so Irish fierce/strong then we went to the African Savannah and …… it was full of taxi drivers!’