Tommy Tiernan

He burnt his bridges with RTE, A tragedy.

Sunday was class, whilst he was catering for John Bull the Pat Kenny voice and hand gestures slipped out once or twice :rofl:

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I hope you’re right but I’ve my doubts. The fact the article was published 3 days ago and its only getting traction today is fairly telling. Either no-one cares, or there’s a concerted campaign to try and draw attention to it

either way I’d say Tommy doesn’t give a flying fuck

I wonder is it the first time Mrs Spidey has dropped the keys? :flushed::wink:


Shure lookit he has to go. Just because he’s box office with the ratings doesn’t excuse him hurting some nobody’s imaginary feelings

First part at this gig is one for the things that never happened thread. Second part is a disgrace if true.

That would be Mrs Spideys gamey mate
Cc @Juhniallio


Tiernan won’t give a fuck about this, he’s been controversial all through his career, I’m sure he’ll quietly speak to Ms O’Neill and it’ll be all over, he seems like a grand fella

But she’s put herself firmly in the firing line for internet trolls, won’t be done quite as quickly

Is there any possibility this girl is on TFK and saw the turning point of the last few days on opinion on TT and pinpointed her attack move?


Would you ever name random footballers who play in the premier League from their country of origin?

The big one fellas of our vintage and older have to watch out for is ‘where are you originally from?’ We were the last generation to grow up with more or less zero people of colour who were Irish (bar the fella whose dad owned the local Chinese).

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I hope she skins them and they all have to take paycuts

Absolutely, I hope he has saved his money. The oft travelled road to primetime on the BBC is not on the table in this instance.

If she plays this right, she could get a nice slot on The Today Show

I was expecting @iron_mike to be the first to insinuate that.

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It is a really shit joke. Especially for an opener. The rule is you put your best joke first and your second best joke last. The gig must have been shit.
I can hardly see RTE dumping Tiernan. He’s a god for them at the moment. His shows will bring in much more advertising than most.

I wonder how this would go down today


Probably twenty years since I saw a Tiernan stand up live but even at that stage he was phoning it in. Roaring lines and getting laughs due to being Tommy Tiernan rather than the quality of material.

That’s a dated view, though. He’s now considered a poet and the public representation of the embedded Irish female and male psyche to a load of jackeen cunts who influence the media.

I’m talking poet on levels even above The Porter Laureate.

The thinking man’s Hector