Tommy Tiernan

Honestly never heard of her before this ordeal.

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I’m not implying anything miss O’Neill. We had his details on FreeNow app but they were less than useless in getting in contact with him. In the end, we social media stalked him on Facebook, he checked the car and was at the house in 20 mins so instead of handy recipes he returned keys that would have cost 250 to replace.

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Before Covid the drivers would usually ring you to confirm your exact pick up point or that they were outside waiting. Twas usually a handy way to have their phone number for stuff like this.

My racial profiling led me to discover the joys of Tadka House.

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40 years ago he’d have been hung by the balls for the nuns joke, 20 years ago even

Id be more a Tolka House man myself.


@TheUlteriorMotive would be ringing his man for a recipe for aloo gobi

Or weightlifting tips

I’d say there’s fuck all chance of it ever being repeated :hushed:

He has to go…

Give her a Google there and her LinkedIn profile will be near the top.

A previous PE teacher who was educated in the US and has done a lot of work in the Unsconsious Bias and Anti Bullying space. Presenter on RTE for last few years apparently. And was an advisor to the Government on Anti Bullying for a couple of months as well.

I never heard of her before this morning but her under-represented profile (Female, Identifies as a person of colour) could back RTE into a corner on this where they need to take action on Tiernan because she works for the same employer showing his show. If they do nothing, its not a good look for them. If they defend Tiernan (unlikely) then its a terrible look for them.

Something tells me Tiernans show won’t go beyond this season and may suddenly and silently be cut back this side of Xmas.

was it an RTE sanctioned show? or was it a private gig?

They generally wouldn’t have the culinary tradition of the Indian sub-continent. I’d ask away anyway.

Sometimes I’d raise the Mercator Projection as an example of the enduring European colonial legacy. Depends on my mood.


Indeed. I remember being surprised that McSavage got away with it. The real Joe Duffy threw a tantrum at the time over being portrayed as a sado masochist horndog which greatly added to my enjoyment.


One of his gigs in Vicar St. Nothing to do with RTE but both of them are directly or indirectly on the RTE payroll so if she pursues it they’ll likely have to do something

tell her go fuck herself more than likely, politely

Which then will portray RTE as a racist misogynistic organisation and half the country will blow up and boycott / protest at it until Tiernan is burned at the stake

Is she married here or in on a visa?


no they won’t. sure the only people that will give out are useless cunts that don’t have a tv licence anyway, the perma offended studendty types The vast majority of people will see it is a joke. This will blow over within a week when something newsworthy happens

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Her LinkedIn profile unfortunately doesn’t give me that depth of detail