Tommy Tiernan

That’s a seriously weird jump you’ve made there mate. You’re really vibing your anti-dub sentiment right now.

@Arthur shouting Tony Yeboahhhhhh loudly and slowly at the taxi driver whilst imitating a 40 yard screamer and trying not to spill his chips

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Is stand up still as popular as it was. The last show I was at was ironically Tiernan when I went to see him in clonmel about 15 years ago

I’m in flames anyway, chief, my recent views on this highly popular website have put a target on my back for the administrators in Fingal. May as well go out some guns blazing.

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I’m presume @Rocko can bake in a feature to be delivered in your final minutes of existing as to how many original contributors were actually on this site?

It’s more public speaking now with an odd punchline and it’s gone ta fuck. The biggest new stand-ups are all just cunts that had a podcast that got big.


Not too sure that Tommy will get cancelled. He’s got a bit of a cult following and is popular. Agree that rte are stuck between a rick and a hard place but something tells me that Tommy could very well tell your wan and rte to go and fuck themselves. Virgin could just as easily sign him up

Bernard Casey is funny enough.


Emer O’Neill on Claire Byrne now, almost in tears.

She’s gonna ride this train as far as it will go.


We need to back Tommy lads. This is where we make our stand.

Looks that way.

Unfortunately that’s the way it’s gone these days. As I understand it, Tommy called her to apologise. The matter should rest there.

An apology isn’t sufficient in this day and age…heads need to roll

Fair play to Tommy. He’s a good fella. He’ll ride out this storm. Gaybo couldnt cancel him, neither will this bint.

Yep. We need to genuflect and reflect before the god of “I was offended and I have an absolute right not to be”. Sackcloth and ashes have been replaced by sacking and ashen faces.

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Yeah he’s a decent fella it seems. There’s not a racist bone in his body I’d wager.

I reckon you’ll be able to tell a lot about a person on where he comes down on this matter.

Tommy will be officially cancelled by Monday