Tommy Tiernan

I think her racism point is fair but why not go back there Tommy directly rather than crying to a tabloid rag and Claire Byrne

Sure how will anybody know who this nobody is then,that cunt Byrne is as bad for having her on.

Time for TFK to nail its colours to the mast - pick a side
  • Tommy
  • Emer

0 voters

‘Horrendous attack’

FFS. She’s well able for the hyperbole anyway.

@Mac siding with a middle aged middle class white male who made a racist joke

why am i not surprised

@iron_mike @artfoley are givens in which they they will vote

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yes, best thing to do is sweep it under the carpet alright


So he personally rang her to apologise but that’s not enough for her?

What is being swept away here mate?

That’s what it reads like

Maybe because you’re a middle aged middle class racist white male so you can relate to Tommy?

No. She wants her moment in the sun too it seems.

The media entertaining her are worse… It’s simply because he’s a white male. They wouldn’t dare go after a minority who made a very mild barb on race.

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I hope she wins and Tommy’s cancelled.

He shouldn’t have apologised. She has sensed weakness and is now going in for the kill.


im upper class

Speaking on Today with Claire Byrne on Friday, Ms O’Neill said she spoke to the comedian for almost an hour on the phone, and she felt his apology was “genuine” and that it was clear he had done some “reflection” on the joke in the days since.

Tommy was an hour on the phone grovelling to her. He’ll know better next time.

I think it was in my ignorance that I assumed he would make a public statement reiterating our conversations, but he has made it clear to me that he feels he has done enough by emailing me and taking the joke from the set.

Reading between the lines he knows this one is a dose.


If it was anything like the chat show he probably said a few words and then sat there saying nothing for 25 minutes.

The joke about the nuns didn’t upset her apparently just the one about the taxi drivers.

Be no harm for Tommy to explain publically why he pulled the joke from the show and if he felt on reflection it was racist. Well respected people speaking out against racism and explaining why certain things are racist is never a bad thing especially in the current climate

Thats it. You should never apologise.
“Fuck off” more to the point.