Tommy Tiernan

He apologized privately but won’t discuss it publicly? Is this the issue for O’Neil?

They want him so bad, they are crying with anger, some pink haired tranny in RTE pulling the strings no doubt to get him cancelled


Yes the narcissist wants Tiernan to come out and talk about what they talked about on an hour long phone call. She wants it to be a “teachable moment”.

Emer will work a tv series out of this where she can bring Tom along on a journey to try and eradicate his unconscious bias. They could maybe put it on after primetime on a Thursday night.

It was a worthless phonecall, Emer was recording again and all the fucker did was express how sorry he was. Boring!

That’s a terrible idea. So if one person says anything is racist you’ve to release a public statement explaining everything :grinning: well eh, the premise of the joke is this and ugh some said this is racist, ugh heres 5 reasons why this is racist and I won’t do it again. Response - we hate you anyway

Its long a tfk staple but surely even you can see explaining is losing in these situations

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He has to go

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Agreed. RTE should release a statement tonight saying his contact has been cancelled.

He’ll go nowhere.

After Tommy has made his strong statement

Id argue they need to act swiftly and decisively now, otherwise wise it’s tantamount to endorsing Tommys racism.

No mate, the lads you serve in the yacht club are upper class

You can make a joke stereotyping Cavan people as being tight with money and nobody will object and yet if you make the same joke about Jews you’ll get in trouble.

I think that’s fair enough.

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Ah come on!!

The gas thing is that on the same show last Saturday night RTE, in some strange paradox, were platforming a murderer who stabbed a man to death in a song about immigration and social conscientiousness.


If you were a successful talented and popular man she’d hate you just as much as she hates tommy


A weela weela walla?

Anyway, did this happen on TV?

And if anyone chooses to debate any part of that statement with her then they’re a racist

Big Ron in Africa was tv gold.

Little tommy in lagos, driving a cab, with Emer riding shotgun.


20th Jan 2023 is the day that @Mac politics took a shift to the extreme right