Tommy Tiernan

It’s gas how some lads get all weak knees and dreamy when they’re in the presence of some toff landlord with a twee hybrid stage Irish /home counties accent .
Tommy might be a bit of a lickspittle.

He told the president of Ireland he was old on numerous occasions and slagged him off a good bit.

Sure Michael D. already knows he’s old.

Tommy is one of lifes good guys.

Alright sort

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@Mac on another thread giving out about snowflakes yet 5 mins later posts this shit :grinning:

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So does @anon67715551 and he still gets awful wiry when anyone points it out

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Very very rare to see an aul wan with long hair let alone long grey hair. This Caitriona crowe one deserves respect for that alone and she’s a very impressive speaker too. Really knows her stuff


Any auld wan with long grey hair is usually as mad as a bag of cats


I’ll have to remember that

This makes no sense at all at all

I find it very hard to take Michael D seriously.

A little banbh with his snout in the trough for fifty odd years


What is with that? It has intrigued me many times over the years. Is it a generational style thing, or is hair just fucked at that stage. I assume the latter.

Agreed. She was very interesting and makes a fair point about barstool IRA types views on history.

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Every country has a romantic view of history…the harsher realities of Britain’s colonialism is not taught in Britain. The declaration of independence in the US is held up as a thing of beauty…and on we go.

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My god. A brasser on now

She sounds demented.

Its the laugh.

"How much for a ride?":joy: