Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

The epitome of a cunt. No imagination or subtlety to his immature rants. Doesn’t deserve any air time but unfortunately his hysteria passes for “balance” on basic human rights issues.

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Doherty is making a point saying why are the vast bulk of the refugees all men…rather then women and children.

Hard to argue with that in fairness.

He’s wrong in everything else he’s saying tho.

I assume the men go first to try and get something organised in new location before they bring their families.

Why does it matter? Do their lives not matter? Do you think children are as capable of travelling a thousand miles to the north coast of Africa as grown men?

Ah he’s a despicable bastard. The head on him

They’re single lads for the most part pal…it would be easier to digest personally if it was women and children first.

Rather then 90% young lads for economic reasons.

How do you know that
Just for my own information.

That makes even more sense that single men with no ties would take the gamble before a woman and her children.

It’s not like the smugglers give a fuck who they let on the boats

Of course their lives matter, but we have a homeless crisis here already…we are a first world economy in name only…but I don’t think we could support tens of thousands of young North African and middle eastern males.

They’re the stats…if it was mothers and young children it would be more palatable is my opinion…Emigration cant be completly open.

The Lost Boys of Sudan were all young men too. And there weren’t young girls because they were either adopted, killed, abandoned or sold into slavery. It didn’t make the young men less worthy refugees.

A book recommendation for anyone interested in this area - What is the What by Dave Eggers is a really excellent memoir/novel on refugees. Far more entertaining than one might expect.

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I wonder how many notifications O Doherty will have on his phone when he turns it on after the show. Thousands I’d say. Every mention. Every retweet. He’s too much of an ego to switch them off

We have taken a handful. They have a negligible impact on the homeless crisis which hadn’t been caused by the refugee crisis. We have far more unworthy causes we spend money on that we don’t need to start abandoning basic human suffering.

It’s well known pal…you can reference any statistic out there on it…these are young lads in many cases who’re making an economic decision.

I can appreciate that too…but we’re not an imperialist power capable of solving this issue caused by Western geopolitics.

This is a shambles of an audience put together by RTÉ. A member of the National Party whatever the fuck that is and now a member of Christian Protection of Ireland. Nutters who represent nobody invited on to debate with the panel and that moron Kehoe seems to be there to represent the pro migration side despite their awful track record.

A handful is true but you cant say our demographics has not dramatically changed in the last 30 years.

Most people are grand but I’m of the opinion we as a small country who havent caused any of this instability in the ME & North Africa, should look after our own social problems and homeless first.

Genuine refugees I’ve no problem with, but when the stats suggest that 90% are young males…I do get apprenshive about it.

Why do you insist that we need to solve the problem all on our own? Why should that preclude us from doing our share, more than the tokenism we have offered up so far.

And as far as modern geopolitics goes, we’re part of a modern trade group that is imperialist in all but name. We’re happy to hide behind trade tariffs but don’t feel responsibility for how that might impact on the developing world.


And why can’t young males be refugees? And we are as responsible for the perpetuation of this inequality as any of our EU neighbours.

And of course our demographics have changed. In a world with access to travel it would be frightening if we remained as insular and homogenous ad we were a decade or so ago.

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Huba huba.bring over more syrian women



As much as we might like to think it pal, we dont matter at all pal as a country…The token you’ve described is fair with regards to Syrian refugees

But I’d have my doubts about a lot of young single males coming from North Africa outside of Libya…thats where the area gets a bit grey…a lot of these fellas are just moving for economic reasons…my point is we should be looking after Irish people sleeping on the streets first.

Cunningham did well with the fat fuck there. Grabbed the olive branch off him and shoved it up his fat hole.