Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

I don’t see how it is mate. With regards to eastern european people - I’ve worked with them all my adult life and they’ve 100% positively added to the country. I have savage time for people from Poland all the way to Russia.

Sadly the war in Ukraine isn’t the only one going on in the world at the moment is my point.

We’re going to take in approx 100,000 war refugees in short order. That’s a logistical nightmare. The only way we will have capacity is if we open our homes to them.


Similar to yourself smark, we’re rural and probably wont suit. But at the same time, it could suit someone who needs it and would work for them. What helps is the room we have is in a separate building and is fully functional without needing anything in the house, so in the evenings and weekends if taken on, theyd have full use of it without the hassle of having to share a house with us, that theyd have their own space and some aspect of normality. So in that regards, it works. But the rural aspect is most likely a step too far, but you never know. Plenty of decent people out there wanting to help which is a good thing.

As for further comments calling people cunts for wanting to open their homes to people fleeing a war, I’m a longtime donor to the south east Simon community and my wife volunteers with a homeless group in Wexford, not that it makes any difference whatsoever and this bulshit type of whataboutery masks somes peoples real thoughts on immigrants here. Not everyone is a complete miserable bastard in this country and many people know the hardship Irish emigrants faced in years gone by and are capable of showing empathy and support to those who need it at their most vulnerable.


I agree with that and have put my name down but i doubt we will be picked as its just a box room, however as ive said before, the 62000 holdiay homes should be used too


Are you sure?

What about Sudan, Yemen and Afghanistani refugees. Are they not as worthy?

You’re a hypocrite if you don’t think so.

Look it is an absolutely noble gesture for anyone to offer up their home to complete strangers. I seriously salute anyone on here that will genuinely do that.

You on the other hand can’t be taken seriously. You are probably the last poster that I could forsee being generous in any regard. I’d have you down as a tight begrudging bastard.

No offence.

When Syrian refugees were housed in Limerick you were moaning about that too.

You’d be better off admitting you don’t give a shite about refugees from any war and don’t want any of them in Ireland.

When refugees were fleeing Syria you were demonising them saying they weren’t refugees. If it was Yemen or Afghanistan it will undoubtedly be the exact same.

Now it’s mainly women and children coming from Ukraine, you’re moving the goalposts and trotting out more deflection.

“The homeless” as deflection is always code for “no refugees welcome” - because sadly there will always be homeless in this country.


Well, duh, water is wet, Bruno Fernandes shits himself in big matches.

Multiculturalism in Ireland has been a great thing. I genuinely feel it has brought the country forward an awful lot. People are people - I stand over those two posts you’ve found from 2016 still though. Gas that you had to go that far back…

We still have a homeless crisis here and I would always be more accepting of women and children rather than streams of males in their 20’s coming in here as refugees.

What I don’t get is the double standards - where was your outrage when Iraq was being blown to pieces, Afghanistan the same, Libya, Yemen, Sudan at the moment.

War is always abhorrent - but it seems like the “woke” crowd which you align yourself with only care if its white people in the war.

Why is that @cheasty ?

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If you want to debate with a straw man, debate with a straw man.

There is no point debating with you because that’s all you do. There’s also no point debating with somebody who is intent on sucking literally everything into a crushing vortex of the most miserable, negative Putinist cynicism, where literally any good deed or sentiment anybody ever does or voices is criticised based on some arbitrary fake logic which trades under the label “hypocrisy”.

This terminally miserabilist Putinist bullshit pervades the internet and is designed to suck us all into being a heartless, individualist anti-society, like Russia.

Oh, by the way, if somebody chooses to put up an Irish homeless person or family in their house, which would be a very admirable thing to do irregardless of the nationality of the person or family - that person or family is still homeless.

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Live and let live mate.

Thats my outlook on life.

My point stands though. The mass outrage from media outlets that were fully behind the likes of the war on Iraq are hypocritcial in the extreme.

Where was that gobshite @smark ar the time?

That’s a headshot

That’s true absolutely, but has nothing whatever to do with the case in hand. Simple whataboutery. We have made enquiries about hosting, but have got nowhere. Priti is to my mind obfuscating and actively making things difficult. Anyone who has opened their home, and that of their loved ones to a stranger and had done so in full knowledge of the level of emotional cost that may bring is admirable. It could tear you apart. You’d hope not, but it could. It’s going to be a very difficult balance.
I actually think a working farm would be a great place to host.


Btw smark is just about the least gobshite poster here.


Ukranians arrested 160 saboteurs in Kiev yesterday. Local passport holders acting as spotters to identify bombing targets.

I flew back into Dublin airport yesterday. There was a sign with a Ukrainian flag and arrows for those poor people to follow, at arrivals. Not sure if @Batigol was on duty or not.

Two young women were at the desk interacting with the immigration people. Seemed to just have the clothes on their back. It really is awful.

I can’t even watch the news anymore. RTE manage to find people crying and upset every night and I can’t bear to watch such grief playing out only a few hours away from us. Maybe people like me are the problem, rather than giving €50 to the Irish Red Cross I should be doing something/anything more to help these people.

Locally there’s a church gate collection this weekend and I will support that but it really is a helpless situation. I’ve incredible respect for anyone who takes strangers in and houses them, feeds them, supports them, brings their child to the local school, gives them toys and above all is just decent enough to treat scared, frightened, vulnerable people like that.

War is a horrible thing. Puts my complaining over diesel prices into context. Hard to see this conflict improving any time soon. Just very sad.


I was watching a bit of sky news with the wife ladt night. God forgive me but I turned around and said to her. “Fuck it. Just nuke the Kremlin. The time has come” Up to now was always erring on the side of caution but whats going on over there would break your heart

Fcuking cnuts. I wonder what would happen if the Russians caught Ukrainian people at it. **

**I know what would happen

Did he say it on the internet, though?

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Just for a bit of balance!