Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

What the jaysus is he holding the file for.

The manilla folder under his arm

You’re taking the fucking piss now I just said that.

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Orla looks guilty. What did she do with the 70K of drugs?

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Another diet and exercise Nazi here.

6 spoooons in a Capri Sun.

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Tomas o Se is a great guy.

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I’m not watching but have any of the exercise experts diagnosed psychological conditions in children?

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How many spoons of sugar in a pint I wonder?

Wasn’t Lance in town recently?

This is awful bullshit

Watch if yourself you cunt.

O Se is a great teacher I’d say.

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This Sinead Moriarty is giving me a stir in my pants.
Very very attractive lady.


They’ve balanced it up now with this ould nut.

“Tomas looks in children’s lunch boxes”

Earnest Home EC teacher here.

This oul buzzard must be in the ASTI.

She is taking her home economics very seriously. Another great teacher id say but an awful dryballs

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Some bullshit to blame poverty for giving kids shite for lunch.

A lovely word.