Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

Cathy is very nervous here.

Nurse Ratchett from One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest here.

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I’d say she has a female Gestapo uniform at home in the closet.

The Home EC teacher vindicated here.

Marcella is a fine big girl herself.

Doctor Eva is out for a row here.

Jaysus I’d say Doctor Eva would hand it back to you soft. A demon for it by the look of her.

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That blonde one is mad

I am a bad example for this kind of thing . I am a knocking bastard . I rarely go to these game much now as I don’t like my personality . I am more of a club hurling man . There is no fun anymore in IC game .

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You are a dick

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Mad west brit doctor

The fucking head on this nutter.

I am and I hate Rovers cunt especially from the northside.

Eva is seething here.

I would .

They’re all out tonight.

Eva is going to spontaneously combust.


Full moon ,???

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Dr Eva being called a snakeoil salesman

Kilkenny lad here was 26 stone.