Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

Would you ??

Poor Carl’s face looks like a bag of hammers.

Tax to me means nutin :smile:

Fucking layabout scumbag

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Your wan’s a minister :eek:

Jaysus I’d love a crack off Doctor Eva, you can tell she’s filthy. You cant bate a fine looking older woman*

*Unless you literally bate a fine looking older woman.


Looking forward to my annual fizzy drink buying expedition to Newry.

I might write a 3,500 word account of it.


Dr Eva was set to take them all on.

How the fuck did he not make the link between drinking litres of coke a day with his teeth falling out and his leg falling off?


He’s one of the water charges protesters.

He wanted coke coming out of his taps. Imagine bringing a 2 litre of coke to bed with you each night and then wondering why you had to get up 4 times a night for a piss and not seeing the link.

He must be fucking dumb.

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Jaysus that programme locked up in America: prison state is grim.

A recent study by coca cola has shown that fizzy drinks are good for you.


It can make you bionic

She’s gone from the husband too

That programme was horrendous. …success is a drug…who’d have thought!

I recently conducted an experiment on two consecutive weekends . One Saturday in drank ten pints of Guinness and the following weekend in the same company I drank 10 small bottles of Coca Cola . I was twice as sick the following day with the Coca Cola .

Guinness is good for you was my conclusion .

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Tis in its hole . Shefflin was born in Kk and Ballyhale . Success is an accident of geography .

I feel asleep watching the shefflin program last night.

England have a team in the Kabaddi world cup which is on Sky 407 in the next few minutes.

cat bugrlar sky1+ now