Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

Brilliant interview with Mary Lou by Joe Duffy on the Meaning of Life last night.

Though it was good I don’t think he talked as much in any other previous show I’ve seen… Kept trying to catch her out with same question… She handled him well…

What was the question? “Are you a member of the IRA Mary-Lou?”

No - he asked her a quite legitimate question in that he wondered why she involved herself in a party with a recent history of violence, including the killing of children. He also asked if she was ok with being party colleagues with people who had killed.

It was asked in a genuine way.

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I disagree. If he asked it once, fair enough. He kept asking it and came across as rude. But what would you expect from a pig only a grunt.

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Ah he went back more than once even after she gave answer…

Duffy is far from the worst of them.

He’s a pure Stickie

hes up there

he was also bitching and moaning about getting no sick pay or pension

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He’s a cunt


Just watching this now. Duffy has destroyed the interview.

Destroyed what ??

Ffs this was a programme contrived by RTE to alleviate Gay Byrne‘s losses after losing his savings .

Was last night a careerist politician talkng about “their realationship “ with God to another RTE cunt that Whinged about losing money in last crash ??

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Actually, in fairness at the very start when he asked her why she agreed to the interview, I really wanted her to say “So I can get a bit of publicity and win votes to get a minister’s salary.”

Nah, she was going on about her formative influences and then Joe Duffy just completely went off on one. The entire second half of that show was just Duffy being a sanctimonious cunt. It peaked with him literally shouting at her about the meaning of Jesus Christ on the cross.

Joe and Mary Lou arguing about Jesus Christ on the Cross would be like Arlene Foster & Jim Allister arguing about the standard of refereeing in Antrim hurling final


Who’s your favourite saint?

I like all the saints Joe.

awkward silence

I like St Francis the most.

It was like when Trump was asked his favourite part of the bible and replied “all of it”.


That’s a top, top answer. :clap:

Charles Bronson and Claudia Cardinale there now on TG4. A grand girl in her day


It’s just a thing of beauty the entire movie, the music the suspense and Claudia. Sheyanne is a legend, his theme is top class. George hook had a serious hard on for her when he was on radio, always going on about her


Jaze, yer man didn’t see that one coming :grin:

Leone wanted the 3 boys from good bad and ugly for the opening scene at train station to give them a send off. LvC and Eli agreed but Clint wouldn’t do it, he was above spaghetti westerns at that stage he felt. He fell out with Leone over it for years and he said he regretted it. Would have been epic