Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

yes , brief though

Watch it and find out.

If an oul fella stood up in a dressing room and held a Hurley over his head roaring We’re from Cork in this day and age he’d be carted off to the John of Gods.


Especially in Croke Park.

Fuck him. I have a clean conscience. I was never much good but I never left my club.


Powerful documentary. If rte made of the likes of that and the bloody Sunday one I’d actually pay the TV licence


Maybe if you paid it they’d have the money to make more like it?

Hahaha fair dues to you for honesty :ok_hand::joy:

It wasn’t bad but there’s a terrible lack of footage of Ring. A pity as he was undoubtedly brilliant.

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Chicken and egg here. I stand by my viewpoint looking at tubs and his likes. There is a place for the national broadcaster

What if he held a magnetic whiteboard over his head while he was roaring?

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Real pity unfortunately he was 15 years too early for rte to capture some. Jes medal haul is something else

I was delighted to see John Fitzgibbon featured too in the documentary

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Gerald Macarthy is very softly spoken but I heard he wasn’t your typical cork hurler and was well able to dish it out ?

That was a lovely story Frank or was it Dr Con told about Ring in the dressing room before playing Kilkenny.

“Kilkenny have never beaten Cork, when we’re ready, and we’re ready today”.

Fuck me that was a powerful program


As a man with proud Aghada roots I can confirm that ‘Ringy’ was 2 ends of a cunt. He was also as thick as dishwater but @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy has already made sure we know that.

Donal Óg roared it in the parade behind the band at the Munster Final in ‘99.

(Could have been AI final)

wikapedia says his brothers fell out with the club around that time as well, one went to Ballinacurrra, one went to Russell Rovers and Christy to the Glen

Probably written by a grand nephew of his

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