Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

They could have just said nothing.


Socializing in multi storey car parks now.

Exactly. There’s no need for them to even comment on his death.

They were, as my late granny would have said, playing to the gallery

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This is a republic farmer and as sure as night follows day there are children born in to privilege and others with a silver spoon .

A monarchy has no real bearing on these things

Load of people dead today and they didn’t tell us that they weren’t sympathising with them :man_shrugging:

They could have.

Use multi story car parks for gyms, kids dance classes and art exhibitions!

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Jason Byrne on next

I’m out, I have to draw the line somewhere


If Tony Holohan sees a busy car park we’ll be straight back to full lockdown

A fair point but two wrongs don’t make a right.

Also, a monarchy is an official statement that people are not born equal.

The 2020 Limerick junior hurling championship will be finished on the top floor of the Arthur’s Quay Car Park .

It is but getting rid of said monarchy isn’t a panacea for all ills .

Richard Boyd Barrettt making a fool out of himself on Virgin Media.

We just have to make sure to pick one he can’t see from his office window.

I never said it was. Doesn’t mean to say that I or Brid Smith can’t express opposition to it.

She can say what she likes but I can’t see the point of what her party said .

Also Norway , Denmark , Sweden would figure highly in any test of economic equality . All have a monarchy .

They’re just children

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To be honest her party’s zero Covid policy was more worthy of real scrutiny that what was discussed tonight

100% agree.