Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

One thing I will guarantee you is that when the Shinners are looking at government they won’t touch that mob with a barge pole

Was Eddie O’Sullivan being lined up to run for FG at one stage?

I might have misremembered or made that up.

This lad in the blue suit on the Tonight Show looks like he has a spider on the top of his head.

Wrong on so many levels


You will need to ramp up the wit

Brid smith would be a better rugby coach than Eddie

In fairness Prince Philip was penniless when he married Princess Elizabeth

Works in Lisbon

I’ve no love for the monarchy but it’s not about the man or woman but rather about expressing condolences to the tans as a nation. Yes, we don’t have to like the cunt and can point out some of his flaws at another time, but the right thing to do at the time is to offer sympathy. Even Dev reached out to the Germans after Hitler’s untimely demise.

If the tans want a racist institution as their figure head, that’s on them. We set our house in order through example, not scorn. @farmerinthecity


Scorn not their simplicity but rather try to love them all the more


He’d another good 20-30 years in him.

I recently read that Hitler liked women to defecate on him. That put me right off him.

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Claire Byrne Show with another contrived…in the red corner/in the blue corner…debate. About the relevance/merits of offering condolences to the husband of a foreign head of state. You literally couldn’t make it up (cc @Ralphie). I haven’t heard Eddie O’Sullivan raging about health, homelessness or anything like that. But he’s very perturbed about what he perceives as coarse language used by more working class public representatives. Taking the foregoing on board, I’d say somebody like Eddie is a fucking cunt.


How do you feel about Trump?

Pee is sterile

No way hes stopped at that.

Freud would contend that the young Adolf was made feel shame during his transition from diaper to toilet… Aka potty training. A domineering mother rubbing his nose in it would play out in his subconscious many years later. Lads need to cut Adolf some slack.

What a weirdo…

In fairness he knew his time was over. Fair dues to him