Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

Who the fuck is this dose

Loved. Performed a new risk assessment when she had kids.

Those fucking hands.

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She’s brilliant at analogies.

We should be more like Vietnam.

The all blacks one was great.


Another pandemic in 15 years. Fuck me im off to bed.

Gabrielle Colleran. Don’t think she’s in ISAG but fair to say she would share nearly all their views.

Hopefully the next 6 months see these Nerds drift out of our media and society again and they can go back to running their shitshow of a healthcare system again.

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Good show on BBC4 atm

Anything on the box today @iron_mike, I’d say you’re stuck to it after the hard week?

I’m flicking away here kid. Cant seem to get into anything. Right now I’m watching 80s tunes with a beer.

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I know a Seana. I knew it would be her just from your post.

It was.

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Shell to Sea doc on Scannal there. The cunting local GAA club took the soup and still proud as punch about it.


Half a million iirc. You’d run a lot of raffles to pull that in.

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I’m shocked it wasn’t burned to the ground.

That would seem foolish. The pipeline was going in, the club earned half a million. If they didn’t take it the pipeline would still be there and they’d be half a million worse off. Those boys know the score. The same lads fighting the pipe would have told them to take the money.

That blueshirt blood runs very cold.

At least the Gaa club extracted a good price for selling their soul. The Gardai did it for 30k worth of booze

Mark my words, this is how it works. Politics is local.

Makes sense that they were told to accept it. Explains why it’s still standing. The GAA chap they had on seemed to have really enjoyed the soup though. No mention of the protestors or their plight.