Tonight's TV - Continuation of earlier drivel

It wasn’t bad.

It tried to convey an element of panic, yet there seemed to be plenty of photo opportunities.

I found it hard to believe that the safest place for the president was up in Air Force One. And it doing a near vertical take-off to get him there in case the boys were down the end of the runway with a grenade launcher.

Agreed. I wouldnt be a military or national security expert though so who knows

A documentary about Only fans on VM1 now.

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Whose Fr. Molloy? Can’t remember that one.

This is intriguing stuff on RTE One.

There was rumours at the time of a high level politician involved in that death and a cover up.

Tough on the family, even all these years later.

All very strange.

Thought someone your age would know all about that one. The priest that was killed at the house party somewhere up in the midlands.

I was in college at that time and I find that news stories from 83-87 often passed me by. Sharing a house with a number of lads. No TV. Not that we were drinking or anything. You just wouldn’t hear the news much.

Ok, I’ll point it out before somebody else does. It was July '85. No college but I might have been on co-op placement I think.

For some reason this is on again tonight.

Edit. I see it’s a series.

Unfortunately Claire seems to be looking like a dogs dinner tonight.

I bet there was some Fine Wines at the wedding


Scaire will have Joanne Donnelly who is terrified about climate change.

Video here of the arrest of Gerry Hutch.

Kin = Kinahan

It’s started well.

Except for the lad who’s overacting and sounds like he’s Conor mcgregor …



It was alleged that the priest called to anoint Fr Molloy went back to his house to call the Bishop to know what to do, before calling a doctor.

Weren’t they some cunts?

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Australian ambassador telling a couple of poor oul divils who want to get out to Australia to help a loved one with cancer to go shit in their hats.